Milking your dead family.

I must be one heartless bastard, but I am tired of those anti-gunner using the death of their friends and family as shield from where to launch their attacks. Joan Peterson (A.K.A. Japete) waves the murder of her sister by her Brother in Law as a only requirement to make her an expert of the subject of Guns. Carolyn McCarthy uses the death of her husband in the Long Island Rail Road massacre to make her an expert on “shoulder thing that goes up” and ban more guns.

I had a neighbor who knew me longer than any relative die by gunfire, an innocent bystander of an armed robbery happening 2 houses down from his. In fact he literally died in my arms as I was assessing his wound and that is an experience I do not wish on anybody. In all the anger and grief that came afterward, nobody thought of blaming the gun for the murder but placed all responsibility on the culprits: the two criminals who were robbing another neighbor as he was getting out of his car.

Both Peterson and McCarthy love to use suicides to inflate the numbers on their unholy crusade against guns by saying that if guns were not available, people would just abandon their intentions and not take their lives out as if the gun was an important catalyst that seals the deal. Yet one of my uncles living in a Gun Free Country managed to kill himself without the evil influence of a gun by using a rope. I rationally understand that he chose to terminate his life and you will not see me trying to sue rope manufacturers or trying to pass legislation limiting the capacity of ropes so they can break if too much weight is added or make it impossible for a rope to have a noose made or some other silly limitation.  The man made a decision and carried it independently of the means and this is somehow lost on the Ghoulish Duo who keep blaming inanimate objects for the failings of humans.

Are McCarthy and Peterson evil? No, they are not. They are probably still in pain for their loses but chose to cope with their feelings in an unhealthy manner. Irrationality does not fix irrational or criminal behavior. Their efforts only show that they have not been able to deal with the deaths of their loved ones. Maybe they feel guilty because they weren’t the to stop the events and now they are trying to pay some sort of emotional penance with their activism. Who knows?

So basically my message to both is to seek real help and to stop trying to punish other people for the acts of criminals and crazies. And stop milking your dead in order to seek your redemption.

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The first time I had an argument with a wasp was memorable. I think I was 11 or 12 at the time and this big ugly brown thing apparently took offense to either something I did, the way I looked or that I was too close. Whatever the reason, I felt this hideous pain in the back of my right hand and did what tough kids that age do: I ran crying to Mommy.

Expecting Mommy’s Magical Cure-All Homespun and with tears and snot running down my face I presented my injured hand to Mom who was having coffee with Dad and a visitor. Mom checked out my hand and told me to sit still while she was going to get something. Even though my hand was still throbbing badly, I felt a bit better knowing that the infinite power of Mom would soon make it all go away. The thought disappeared 10 second later when I saw Mom approaching with the HUGE kitchen knife. My brain went into high imaginative gear: I could only think of two possible scenarios: Mom was about to bleed me like people do in the movies with snake bites or <shudder> she was going to amputate my hand or at least cut a good chunk of it.

What followed was a Keystone Cops version of three adults chasing a boy all over the house. I screamed, kicked, punched but eventually I was captured, my hand secured against a night table and, with infinite horror, I saw the HUGE kitchen knife descending on my stung hand. I closed my eyes and got ready for the inevitable cut but instead I felt the cold flat side of the knife against the swelling. I opened my eyes and I confirmed my initial feeling which led me to resume breathing at a somewhat normal rate. Mom asked me what was I thinking and I told her the truth.  She was hurt that I would even think she could do something so terrible and I responded that she did not explained to me what was she going to do and I got scared. The swelling went down and I learned that what initially was scary turned out to be not only harmless but beneficial.

So what brought this prancing through Memory Lane?It shows what happens when somebody, no matter how well intentioned can create a crapload of panic when waving around a dangerous object in front of the uninformed. That panic grows exponentially when the object is displayed in an effort to intentionally shock the masses under the disguise of “exercising my rights” which appears to be the case with some members of a group of individuals I call O.C.F.U. as in “I Open carry what I want any way I want and Fuck You.”

Even though we are taking gigantic steps toward the recovery of all our Second Amendment, we are not still even closely out of the woods. And yes, it is our right to Carry Open and yes you should be able to but no, you have no right to screw things up and make it harder to cement once and for all the Second Amendment as a regular part of our every day lives by scaring the bejesus of people that do not know better.

In case you haven’t figured out, our fight is not convincing the Anti Gun people that they shouldn’t stay in the way of the Constitution. Our effort is targeted toward those who have made no decision or do not have a final stance on the Second Amendment simply because they know nothing or what they know was shaped by the news, TV or Hollywood but are reasonably people and will support us once the BS has been cleared out. So, toting a shotgun into a library full of kids just because you can it is sheer stupidity from the Public Relations standpoint. And Public Support weighs as much as a Supreme Court decision, do not fool yourself otherwise. People vote and send other people to Washington which in turn send people to the Supreme Court who make decisions like Heller or McDonald. You get it now?

Will I call for restrictions because there are morons like that? Nope. But I will chide their asses out and use them for the defense of our Second Amendment.  Anybody asks me if all Gun Owners are like that, I will truthfully respond that we are not. I will go on saying that “As with any other Right, there are those who like to take things to the extreme. I bet you have a relative that you do not invite to Thanksgiving dinner because he acts stupid and ends up trying to shave the family dog and dress him like a Muppet. Mr. Shotgun and his kind are our equivalent of a Michael Moore or Keith Olberman or Glenn Beck and they are disgusting examples of humanity feeding on the efforts of those who came before them and ransack the fruits of their labor. They have the right to be that Absurdly Stupid but hopefully their kind will eventually self-extinguish because as ‘loudmouth’ as they are, they will probably run and hide at the first inkling of danger. For the most part they are harmless clowns just lacking face paint and a red foamy nose. ” I will then offer them my Club’s card and cordially invite them to see and experience normal regular folks like him or herself enjoying firearms sports at our local gun ranges.

As for us, we must remember that there are Zumbos all around us and that some will come to understand their mistake and some won’t. The last group we just don’t invite over for turkey.

UPDATE: And faux-activism pays off. Library files and obtains restraining order against Michigan Open Carry.
Paperwork here.
From all of us trying to get OC in our states we say THANK YOU RICHARDHEADS! I know your BS will be used against the upcoming OC Bill in Florida.

Hat Tip to Say Uncle for the Update

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Only a Southern Mind can see it that way.

So I was downtown waiting for the missus to apply for her Concealed Weapons Permit and across the street from the Regional Office of Division of Licensing is Miami Police Department. Basically every single building in a 3 block radius is government so I was forced to stay out o the sidewalk or break the law but being in front of Miami PD gave me a chance to interact involuntarily with certain “Ladies of The Trade” who were trying to bum from smokes to cash.

When the Missus returned, I told her about the Street Walkers. She looked at me and said: “I am applying for a concealed gun permit while you are being picked up by hookers right outside? There is a country song in there somewhere.”

And that is why you cannot beat Southern Women.

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Breaking News: Japete agress with the NRA!

My jaw almost hit the ground when I read this. Joan Peterson actually agreeing with the NRA on Project Exile?

The skies are falling, Washington will make sense and cats will chase dogs (OK I have seen this last one), is this the end of the world as we know it? If Japete joins the NRA, the Mayans were right after all.

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ZOMG! MASS MURDER MAGAZINES! (all caps required)

Via Snowflakes in hell we find the new Anti Gun Buzz Words: MASS MURDER MAGAZINES! brought to you courtesy of

As it happens, I do know of a Mass Murder Magazine. It is called Newsweek, issue of May 9, 2005.

This Evil Assault Magazine published a report by Michael Issikoff where he wrote about how those brutal interrogators at Guantanamo bay were flushing the poor innocent terrorists’ Korans down the latrine in order to shake them up. Hell was raised all over the Arab world and mobs took to the streets of Pakistan where between 15 and 30 people died. But, oppsie! the article published by Newsweek was, What’s the word I am looking for? Inaccurate? nope, not that one. Incomplete? nope, not that either…. Ah yes! TOTAL BULLSHIT! The Koran thing never happened and Newsweek and Issikoff issued a “retraction” which means they got away scott free from causing a mass killing. Other Mass murderers either have the decency of killing themselves or end up locked away for life.

Will the crap we have to deal with from these anti-gun idiots ever cease?

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