IDPA: SSR Power Factor coming down!

Those shooting in the Stock Service Revolver of IDPA had been whipped into reloading or shooting .38 spcl +P because of the established power factor of 125,000. Almost no commercial .30 special ammo managed to go that high and if you wanted to compete at a sanctioned match, you would either shoot +p or your loads that were close to +P anyways.

From the ProArms Podcast Forum:

For those that shoot IDPA Stock Service Revolver (SSR) there is some big news! The Power Factor (PF) has been reduced from 125 to 105. This is not rumor. It is fact. I have spoken to Robert Ray at IDPA HQ several times this week, and did not post this until it was confirmed. The new PF will go into effect Monday 17 January 2011.
The new 105 PF means that the following bullet/velocity combinations in .38 Special, from a four-inch barrel, are now legal Sanctioned Match loads – 158 grain@675 fps… 140@750… 130@815… and 125@840. This means that those who want to shoot SSR no longer need to reload heavy loads (often above .38+P pressures) to compete. Many factory loads will now work. Any 158 grain LRN standard pressure factory load (Rem, Win, Fed, Speer) will make it easily. Some of the popular 130 grain “Wally World” loads may not. They are borderline… and you will need to chrono them in your gun to be sure.
The bottom line is that you no longer have to be a reloader to shoot SSR. There are a large number of factory loads that will now be legal. For those that do reload, any 158 grain cast or swaged lead bullet can easily make this PF with a fast burning powder like, Bullseye, Red Dot, AA 2, AA5, 700X, and do it at pressures within standard .38 Spl (16,000 CUP) pressures, with loads found in any current loading manual from any of the major powder makers. Bullet weights of 125, 130, and 140 are in the same boat… standard pressure loadings. You don’t have to beat up your .38 chambered gun with +P loads. Thos may prompt some shooters who might like to shoot SSR, but don’t reload, to give it a try. I applaud IDPA for this move… since the previous PF has been somewhat controversial for years. This new PF more reflects Real World and the ability of IDPA shooters to compete with off the shelf ammo.
Chris Christian

Update:Yes, published by IDPA HQ

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Arizona Gun Bashing from France.

From the land of the Cheeseeating surrender monkeys, we have the mellifluous interjections of an Arizonan expatriate who poetically waxes about how superior France is compared to us because they don’t have the “gun problem” we have.

Laurel Zuckerman goes on to tell us how superior the French are plus repeats the old tired and manipulated gun control data. But she screwed herself up with her parting words:

But there is no equivalent to the all-powerful NRA here. And discomfort with the use of guns, even in cases of self-defense, is common among the French.

We kinda noticed that Laurel, actually twice in the 20th Century the French had so much discomfort at defending themselves from the Germans that the Ugly Armed Americans (including some from your much hated State) had to go die over there so the French could recover the right to drink overpriced wine and badmouth the USA.

Sierra, Tango, Foxtrot, Uniform.

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Brady & Friends: They lose and big.

It was the anti-gunners’ answer to their prayers: Lone gunman, semiautomatic handgun featured in every possible rap video and Official Hollywood Bad Guy gun, super high capacity “clip”, high profile target and a cute girl also gets killed in the State with the most liberal gun laws in the US. If they could actually create a conspiracy, they wouldn’t be able to recreate such PR perfection for their cause. And such, they attacked with renewed vigor and loudness; the cause is just and the motives pure so lies and exaggerations are valid tools. Fire and Brimstone congresspeople vow to pass the legislation to end all the madness and guarantee us 100% protection against the evils of guns, but in reality is just a good first step….if it only saves one live and we do it for the children. They were poised to win big in their minds…

…but they couldn’t get the car past the exit booth at the parking lot.

Give the a B Minus for effort and an F for unnecessary loudness and exaggeration. The American People did not buy the Old/New Gun Legislation or the cries of horror from the Usual Suspects. In fact I am willing to bet that they were horrified that the bodies of the dead were still cooling off on top of a coroner’s slab when the mediatic psychopaths came out spewing their hate A.K.A having a “Reasoned Discourse” And demanding that we should submit not only our Second Amendment to them, but also the First.

Over reaching does not even begin to cover it. Also, it is not the Clinton Years anymore, a lot has changed ever since. There is no turning back.

But the weasels will continue.  And we must continue the fight, and we will.

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To Heaven via Currahee: Richard Winters (1918-2011)

I treasure my remark to my grandson who asked, “Grandpa, were you a hero in the war?” Grandpa said, “No… but I served in a company of heroes”.
Richard Winters quoting Mike Ranney on how Ranney answered a question his grandson once asked him.

But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in England now-a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs’d they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.

Rest in Peace Major. We cannot ever than you enough.

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