On Dr. Holda: I am Not convinced yet.

Apparently I am one of the holdouts on believing the full conversion of Bill Holda to the issue of Law Abiding Citizens exercising their right to defend themselves via the Second Amendment. Popgun took him and his wife to the range and had them shoot for the first time (incidentally, Popgun deserves a standing ovation for his initiative and work,) but before we sound the bugles, release the doves and prance around the meadow alongside puppies with red bows in celebration, I want to point out that the damage that Dr. Holda did during that television interview is standing.

I am guessing that all those years in Catholic School did manage to set some basic guidelines on how you are suppose to redeem yourself from your sins. Repentance carries certain tasks to be done before forgiveness can be achieved: Sorrow, Confession, Asking for Forgiveness, Rectify or Make Amends, Forsaking and only then you can be forgiven. I know, it is a tall order in our modern world where a quick press release written by a PR manager is all what is required. Other than going shooting with Popgun, Holda so far apologized for his Lubby’s Cafeteria remarks and nothing else and that leaves him well short of starting in the right path for forgiveness. So color me wildly skeptic about him changing his mind and being in our side or at least on the road to redemption.

The Second Amendment is not just an intellectual exercise or a coffee house discussion about Italian painters during the Renaissance, it is a matter of life or death. We damn well know the numbers and stats not only here but wherever people were first disarmed and the massacred by those who did have the guns and chose to do uncontested evil with them. The issue of Less Gun Make For A Safer World has long been debunked and only those seeking total control and their useful idiots are still fighting our rights to defend ourselves. And in this era we are living now of almost instant access to all pertinent information and statistics, there is no excuse for the president of a college to have the facts wrong about something so fundamental or worse yet, ascertain without doubt yet wrongly about an event like Lubby’s so publicized and analyzed. In my opinion, Dr. Holda still has a long way to go in order to get out of the Outhouse List.

Those of you willing to give Dr. Holda a pass and the benefit of the doubt, God Bless you, you guys are very good people and much better Christians than me. I’ll just be the Brimstone and Fire kind of sucker and remain on the side of wrathful if you don’t mind. Hey, I am still keeping tabs on Jim Zumbo, OK? 🙂

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Women Shooters: Doing it right.

Bumped via FaceBook with The Covert Girls. Apparently they are based in England and you have to like a club with the following rules:

  • To never keep your lipstick in your cartridge pocket
  • To poach each other’s birds mercilessly, but never one’s men
  • To always acquire and shoot weapons that are beyond one’s financial means
  • To support fellow Covert Girls at all times
  • All loaders must be male, hot, extremely attentive and know how to dress in white tie

And just to be sure, they have this final notice:

(sorry, no boys allowed)

You gotta love a woman with a gun. The more thy are, more the love.

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