Let’s be nice? Are you kidding me?

It has been a couple of days after the McDonald case was presented to SCOTUS and almost 2 years since we won in DC v Heller.  According to experts, it seems that McDonald will also go our way.  And with the tons of new pro Second Amendment laws sweeping our country, we are finally seeing a reduction on the encroachment of our Gun Rights. Some in our side seem to think it is a good time to be magnanimous and be nice to the losing side. To play “gentlemanly” and have them over for Starbucks and sconces. I am NOT one of those, hell no.

First, if anybody thinks the likes of Sarah Brady and her minions are done, they are sorely misguided or are doing some sand mining face first. I am not inviting the snakes into my house when I know damn well I will get bitten. Yes, they will appear civilized too and sit to “discuss” in order to come up with “reasonable” ways were everybody is happy. We are civilized, right? We can compromise! That’s the American Way.

BULLSHIT. I want satisfaction.

I want satisfaction for every murder victim, every person wounded by violent crime, every rape victim, every relative of those victims that actually bought the myth that being disarmed was safer and paid dearly for that misguided belief with life or blood or tears.

I want satisfaction for every crime committed in a Gun Free Zone where a single armed citizen might have made a difference and saved lives but couldn’t because he or she was not allowed to have the tools for self defense.

I want satisfaction for every time I was compared with a terrorist, mass murderer and pedophile out there because I believe in the Second Amendment. For being told that having a pro-gun sticker in my vehicle was an invitation to be pulled over by the cops and treated like serial killer.

I want satisfaction for being processed like a criminal in order to buy and carry a handgun. To be treated like a second class citizen and be thought suspect because I did not want to depend on a call to 911 and the mercy of my attackers.

I want satisfaction for every citizen in New Orleans that was hunted, roughed up and disarmed under illegal orders and the whole situation applauded by the Anti Gunners as a “reasonable measure.”

I want satisfaction for every time an armed citizen could not access a public place because they practice Gun Apartheid with a Gun Free Zone sign and was forced to decide between becoming a victim or have to do without the good of service he needed.

I have more, but you get the idea. Anti Gunners offered a contract of perfect peace and harmony if people went their way. “No bad things will ever happen to you if you surrender to our cause” they said. They were fraudulent, immoral, criminal. Of course, no district or federal attorney will have the testicular fortitude to bring charges or no court will accept a trial for these crimes against our citizens and I can live with that. I’ll settle to see them become more and more irrelevant till they become the equivalent of the wino in a dark alley mumbling about UFOs, green unicorns and begging for a few cents to pay for the next quart of hooch. I don’t know but this sounds reasonable, Don’t you think?

H/T to Firing Pin Journal. You get to be the nice guy, I get to be the bad guy while agreeing on the subject 😉

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Mindset: Beats brawn any day.

You are young, ballsy and without morals. You see an elderly woman and think to yourself: “Hmmm! Easy pickings!” You do your thing and you go home sore and humbled. According to Miami’s Channel 7 News, it seems that’s what happened to a young punk in Hialeah who had a wee bit interaction with an tough old broad

The beating happened near West 35th Street and 12th Avenue. Police explained that the man knocked on the victim’s door while her husband was home and asked for directions. He left after she told him where to go.

He returned later and asked her to write down the directions and entered the home. By this time, the husband had left the house.

The subject then knocked the 77-year-old woman to the ground. Antonio Garcia, the victim’s husband, spoke through a translator, as he explained what happened next: “He pointed the gun at my wife and threatened to shoot her. She was able to knock the gun right out of his hand. Then, she swung her arm up, hitting him right in between his legs, and he ran off.”

Mindset is the ultimate weapon.

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If you happen to live in Seattle…

I would encourage you to go to the Starbucks on Pike Place at 10:30am where the loons of the Brady Bunch are planning on doina “lie in” (both in position and verisimilitude) protesting Starbuck’s decision to respect customers who carry guns legally.

Now, don’t engage in a confrontation, just go inside, order some coffee and sit down to read your favorite gun magazine. Make sure the magazine is visible to the loons, smile and excercise both your First and Second amendment rights. If addressed by the angry hippies, smile and wave.  Take pictures!

Hat Tip to Snowflakes In Hell.

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Daley: We haz rites, youse don’t

Mayor Richard M. Daley wants the ban to remain in place. He says local officials need flexibility to decide how best to protect their communities.

“We have the right for health and safety to pass reasonable laws dealing with the protection and health of the people of the city of Chicago,” Daley said.

He also said the rollback of the city’s handgun ban could lead to further erosion of legislation having to do with guns.

Source: CBS 2 Chicago.

No Papa Daley. Citizens have rights you have the duty of obeying and defending the Constitution.

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When Morons attack…..in pairs!

What happens when you combine a moron posing as a journalist and another moron posing as firearms safety?

Forensic expert Dan Austin speaks with In Session Host Ryan Smith about the weapon that was used to kill Amy Boscarino

Between the ‘journalist’ Ryan Smith commenting: “It might be used as a rifle when you really trying to aim and hit something.” (As opposed when you are trying to aim and miss something rifle?) and the firearms ‘expert’ Dan Austin saying that a 5.56 round “good for elephants” we have part three of Dumb and Dumber: When morons attack.

Extreme left is a 460 Weatherby Magnum used to hunt elephants. Sometimes it takes 2 or more shots to bring it down. On the extreme right is a 5.56 round which is just a barely improved 22 caliber bullet sitting a top of a lot of propellant. I wonder where Mr Austin got his ballistics and firearms expertise, Barbie school?

Hat tip to Say Uncle

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Paper Cut v. Bullet Hole.

Wash. teacher killed outside school before classes

“Jennifer Paulson, a 30-year-old special education teacher at a Tacoma elementary school, knew she was in danger this week when her alleged stalker was released from the Pierce County Jail, three days after she had him arrested. She started staying away from her home in an attempt to avoid him.
It didn’t work. When she showed up for work Friday morning, he was already there — and had been waiting for hours, according to reports neighbors gave police. Paulson was shot more than once as she walked into the school. Her body lay near the base of a large evergreen tree with blood seeping from her mouth.”

She did everything the “experts” tell us to do: Go to the cops, file a restraining order,got him arrested when he violated the order. Yet she is dead today and a family and a community grieves.

In the meantime her killer Jed R. Waits, is now occupying a slab at the local morgue while his accomplices are alive and well and still dispensing killer advice to many women out there.  Janet Paulson is dead but she died a moral death: she never resorted to violence, she didn’t have a gun, she never had a chance to defend herself.  This has to be one Sarah Brady’s proudest achievements.

Gun Control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley,
raped and strangled with her panty hose,  is somehow morally
superior to a woman explaining to police how her attacker
got that fatal bullet wound.

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