The system worked….yes it did!

A few days have passed after the bombing attempt by Umar Abdulmutallab  (A.K.A. the Depends Bomber) and in retrospect, the assertion by Janet Napolitano is true: The System Worked.

Why do I say that? Well this administration from the get go changed the aiming point on the fight against terrorism. First, there is no terrorism if it comes from AlQaeda, Taliban or any of those misunderstood Muslim Extremists (that would be Racial Profiling you jerk!) but “Man-Made Disasters” and DHS turned its attention to the true terrorists: those of us that are bitter and cling to our guns and religion.

Since in almost  year there have been no acts of terrorism from those fanatical inbred rednecks, the system has worked like a charm. Kudos Janet!

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New Year’s gun rights resolution: Demand ATF investigations

A very good idea brought to you by David Codrea of the Gun Rights Examiner. My congressman just got sent a request for an investigation. The link above not only tells you what to say but how to get the info on your Representative or Senator. Leave the Twitter alone for 10 minutes and rise hell in your district.

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Isolated till next year.

My DSL internet connection went Tango Uniform about a week ago. The folks at AT&T determined (after asking for the 1000th to reset the modem and for the same amount m telling them I do not have a modem but fiber optic) that the wire from my house to the distribution box/thinghie is damaged and has to be replaced. As usual, I got told different time-lines and the best repair scenario as supposed to be yesterday, but reality and the Union reared their ugly heads and I was given the firm date of sometime after the passage of the Health Care Bill or 10 business days, whichever they feel more like it. So, I might be reconnected back by the 7th of January or when my doctor gets permission from an ACORN-Health Care specialist to use gloves during my examination.

In the meantime I am forced to fish for free wireless connections or spend time in my local McDonald’s and being asked to leave for spending six hours with just an order of fries and a small Coke plus telling the little kids to stop making so much noise in the jungle jim.

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A Patron Saint for shooters.

The following is extracted from the article “A Patron for Shooters” by Carlo Stagnaro, ARMI Magazine, Milan, Italy, June 2003. For the whole article please visit the St. Gabriel Possenti Society.

After a battle that year in Pesaro, Italy, in which Giuseppe Garibaldi’s Piedmontese army defeated Blessed Pope Pius IX’s army, several contingents of the former left the main body of the troops, and proceeded to terrorize the countryside. About 20 of them entered Isola del Gran Sasso, where Gabriel Possenti served as a seminarian. When the noise from the ruckus caused by the gang reached the monastery, Possenti asked the monastery rector if he could go into the town to see if he could help the people. The rector said yes.

Possenti found the gang about to rape a young woman, and ordered them to set her free. When they refused to obey, Possenti yanked two pistols out of the soldiers’ holsters. (According to Mr. Paolo Tagini, who edits the Italian firearms magazine, Armi Magazine, the weapons likely were 1851 Colt Navy Model six-shot revolvers in .36 caliber or imitations thereof.) At that moment, a lizard ran across the road. Gabriel Possenti took aim, fired and killed it with one shot. Then, he turned his weapons toward the gang which, surprised and shocked, left the village.


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Never never never never give up.

Just now I had the WordPress write-a-post window open and ready to share with all three of you a funny happenstance last night at work when the phone rang. It was my Comadre from V-Land informing me that my Godson was shot thrice during a carjacking/possible kidnapping. The kid is OK (Kid? he is what? in his late 30s-early 40’s and with kids of his own) and by the grace of God and lousy marksmanship from the Bad Guys, he is back home with grazing shots to one of his nipples (Dude, radical piercing yo!), to the side of his abdomen and a full penetration to the fleshy part of his thigh. Nothing major was hit but he is in some pain… no shit.

According to the story, he was coming out of his girlfriend’s house at 9 pm (first mistake) in a very nasty area of town (mistake number dos) when he was approached by parties unknown who demanded his vehicle. He did what was supposed to do and handed over the keys of his 4×4 plus whatever other personal belongings he had. One of the Bad Guys started to pistol whip him and tried to force him into his 4×4 for a possible Secuestro Express (Express Kidnapping: It denotes kidnapping a person and forcing him or her to withdraw his bank account via ATMS or even maybe calling home and asking for a low to moderate ransom to be delivered within a very short frame of time usually under a day. About 50% of the victims are killed during this crime) Godson was smart enough to put up a serious unarmed fight but got shot in the process. The kid is not big, but he is about 0.07% body fat and willing to use muscle. The fight must have been good that the BGs left without a single good and Godson drove himself to the hospital to get treated.

Even tough the dumb sonofabitch had his head looking for blemishes on his prostate instead of acting smart and safe, he acted decisively when the time came and managed to scare the BGs away and survived the encounter.

No matter how much we scan and stay aware, there is the chance we may get bushwhacked and the only way to survive it is to act fast and with lots of violence. You cannot plan for every situation (ask Bill Hitchcock) but if attacked and the opportunity arises, counter attack with all your fury plus a ton you can borrow from anywhere.

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