What a Month So Far!

It’s been hard trying to stick to a topic. Actually it has been impossible with the flow of news and actions going on everywhere so I selected some that I consider important.

1) Bull Crap Load of the Month (Weapons Handling Special Award)

(Binghamton Police Chief Joseph) Zikuski said Wong could have fired nearly 100 shots from the two semi-automatic handguns in a little over a minute. The first calls to 911 came through at 10:30 a.m.; police arriving on the scene did not hear a single shot after arriving at 10:33 a.m.

“I’m not an avid gunman, but I could take you downstairs (to the Binghamton Police’s gun range) and fire six magazines in a minute, easy,” the chief said.

And I bet you do a very cool SWAT roll while shooting. I am guessing the Chief wants to be the star in the next hit video game: Grand Theft Auto: Binghamton.

2) The “Because It Worked Before But Blew In Our Faces This Time” award.

Was it trying to resurrect the so-called Militia threat from the Clinton Era or the new morons in charge of Homeland Security actually believe the contents of this report? Who knows? But bunching together Military Vets, Conservatives, Second Amendment Supporters with the likes of Timothy McVeigh just before the Tea Party Rallies proved to be a colossal blunder. If anything it strengthen the resolve in may to attend and be loud. I am still looking for a pick of a supposed banner in a Tea Party that read:

“I went to bed a Conservative and woke up an Enemy of The State.”

If you know where to find it, please let me know. It would make for a great T Shirt & Bumpersticker.

3) Tea Parties all over USA.

It is fair to say that lots of Washington Insiders and its lapdogs in the media were surprised at the Tea Parties that popped all over the Country. Up to April 14 they were dismissive and making fun of the movement saying that maybe a hundred of those parties would ever surface with perhaps only a few hundred miscreants wasting breath in attendance and qualifying the whole event as “AstroTurf” (fake grassroots). When the event was over and it was known that 800 parties and over a quarter of a million people attended on their own (No ACORN help here) on a work day that was Tax Day to boot, they were less than amused.  Some politicos were literally seething in anger like Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) blasted “tea party” protests yesterday, labeling the activities “despicable” and shameful.” Maybe we witnessed the beginning of the new American Revolution. I shall expect the new Homeland Security Report about how dangerous these parties are for the Country.

4) Tokio Rose, Hannoi Hanna, Susan Roesgen and the Collapse of the Mainstream Media.

In what could be defined as shooting themselves in the foot, the Mainstream Media totally lost it this month. Blame the Mexican Government and whomever was the idiot that came up with the “90% of the guns, grenades, RPGs and crew served weapons used by the drug cartels come from the Mom & Pop gun show in Butte Montana and similar places. Then the almost nonexistent coverage of the Tea Parties preparations unless it was to refer to them in derisive terms and actually giving much more fanfare to the new canine inhabitant to the White House complete with photo op and crow control. It was obvious that MSM was unprepared and showed it by the scrambling of resources and lack of coordination. FoxNews was expecting it and they took home the ratings prize big time. Broadcasting MSM’s were not happy about it and could only revert to sexual innuendos and poor taste jokes in some cases and to open and blatant political activism against Tea Party Goers.  The video of CNN’s Chicagos Liberal On The Street (A.K.A Reporter) Susan Roesgen trying to bully down a Tear Party Goer, failing miserably before launching on a tirade against the event and throwing a hissy fit is now Internet lore and a demonstration of what everybody knows about MSM’s political orientation. I am sure that in following tradition, Ms. Roesgen will now become the anchor thing for CNN’s Chicago Bureau and possibly be awarded some “important” journalistic prize for her work. Maybe a Pulitzer?

Like I said, What a month! And we are barely halfway there.

PS: And you noticed that with so many right wing fanatics bent on the destruction of this country and not caring for anything other than their God and their guns, not one single shootout happen? Psycho bastards prey on Gun Free Zones, not on gatherings of possibly armed people. They are crazy and cowardly, not stupid.

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The Active Shooter and the Civilian Action.

So I get to work the other day and I find myself staring at the above poster. I had to smile sadly and think of those that will actually read this and think that nobody will get hurt or die by simply following the instructions. But I must remain quiet and share with nobody the reality of what could be done because it is not politically correct.

Although published in many places, the obvious went unnoticed by the “expert” Talking heads of the Media. If you please, read the following extract from the L.A. Times regarding the massacre at Binghamton, N.Y

The first 911 calls started coming in at 10:30 a.m. from inside the building, said Binghamton Police Chief Joseph Zikuski. The calls were in broken English, he said,and dispatchers could not at first determine where the calls were coming from or what they were about.

Police arrived at the scene at 10:33 a.m. Unsure whether the gunman was still inside the building or holding hostages, police did not enter for 45 minutes, after a SWAT team had arrived.

Three minutes was it took for the police to arrive. But by then, the murderous bastard was finished killing 12 innocent people. And nobody is going to say that three minutes is a bad response time for police, just the opposite, it was an exceptional police response that beats by a mile most major cities’ police departments. But unfortunately it was not fast enough. And please do not start with why they did not go ahead and entered the building. I have no internal info, but I bet you dollars to donuts that Police Management has not even began to think about changing training and response procedures for Active Shooters and no sane rank and file LEO is going to commit suicide as much as he or she would want to save lives. And trust me, after hearing some of the stupid things Police Chief Joseph Zikuski said on a press conference, I am sure this is the case.

So, what are you going to do if you must gather or visit a Gun Free Zone and an Active Shooter decides to do his thing? Plan ahead, Pray a lot and hope it happens on your day off. At least that is what I do, everybody else must fend for him/herself and we must be sure to thank our local representatives for those beautiful shooting reservoirs when only the criminal or the deranged are allowed to carry a gun.

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Another eternal controversy: How much spare ammo do you carry?

If you have spent more than 10 minutes in any handgun related forum, you are bound to bump into a thread regarding the need (or lack) for spare magazines/speedloaders. The Armchair SWAT Members will beat their chest and proclaim how good shooters they are and that will only need whatever their gun carries to win the battle. The Legal Worrywarts fear that if they are faced into a confrontation and survive, a slick District Attorney with a political agenda may use the spare loading devices as proof you were itching for a murder.  Both points are hogwash and I am saying this in the nicest way I can muster. You carry spares because you may need them.

Am I saying you will be facing a horde of Zombies and carrying 21, 31 or 50 rounds may be necessary? No, but what may happen is that you will have a malfunction that will leave you hanging for dear life if you cannot solve it in a fast and resolute manner. I have seen shooters of all calibers experience magazine related malfunctions at IDPA matches and if a malfunction cannot be resolved with the standard Tap-Rack-Bang, they go for the spare mag and solve the problem. This applies also to real life where you must immediately drop the troublesome magazine and replace it immediately with a fresh one because you won’t be able to call time-out and figure out what’s wrong. Criminals are impolite that way.  About the only acceptable variation is if you carry a back up gun and go for it after a malfunction happens (also known as a New York Reload) which provides you with a functioning firearm to save your life.

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Historic Art: Updated.

One day while browsing one of my favorite gun forums DefensiveCarry.com, I noticed that a member had an unusual avatar which depicted a Minute Man with modern weaponry. I sent the member a private message regarding the avatar and where could I see the whole picture. I was glad to know that I bumped into the author, Will Ceron of Ceron Designs who was gracious enough to give me a link to a picture that showed the complete scene of Concord Bridge and the Shot Heard ‘Round The World by Dominick D’Andrea and modified geniously by Will Ceron.

Sometimes a picture does paint a better image than thousands of words.

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General Barry McCaffrey’s After Action Fantasy?

Making the rounds in the Internet is a report by General Barry R McCaffrey (Army retired) about the Mexican Drug war and the US influence in it regarding the supply of weapons. I won’t dwell on the absurd details and conclusions of the report, instead I’ll leave that in the capable hands of Rich Grassi of Tactical Wire.

Out of curiosity, I decided to do a research on the names that appear on the report. After 2 hours of Internet search, I find out that the report is only mentioned in a couple of small media outlets (which is weird for an event that happened with so many important people) and there is no mention at all in U.S. or Mexican press of the event actually happening at all! I went in deeper doing a news search of each individual member of the Mexican delegation mentioned in the report and although names match with the positions attached to them, none appear in any U.S. or Mexican Media sources before, during or after the dates that the alleged forum occurred.

This is very strange if not very suspicious. If General McCaffrey is telling the truth, how come there is not one single journalistic report on the meeting? You don’t get this many important people for an open meeting of this importance without at least one little blogger finding out and reporting about it. The other possibility is that the meeting was secret and the parties wanted to meet in private to discuss the Mexican situation. But if so, why would General McCaffrey publish it in his website knowing well that somebody would pick it up?

So we either have a beautiful scribbling of fantastic nonsense or a huge breach of security by General McCaffrey. Either way, for somebody who states in his company’s website that  “provides strategic, analytic, and advocacy consulting services to businesses, non-profits, governments, and international organizations.” this report is very bad advertisement.

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Hugo, Robert and Barrack.

Jesus! What a ride this last 60 days. From being blamed for the drug wars in Mexico to some unknown idiot bureaucrat in the DOD demanding to shred military spent brass to the biggest drop in the economy and the establishment of the bases of a Socialist Republic in the United States.

It is amazing to see that either journalists are too polite or to stupid to realize that when you say that the market drop has been the worst in 30+ years, it also includes the drop after 9-11. Or to call it like it is, President Obama was more effective in bringing down Wall Street than 2 jets crashing into the Twin Towers courtesy of Bin Laden.

The latest in grassroots movements is your local area Tea Party where people sick of the government waste of our taxes are starting to gather in protest. The resurrection of the idea behind the Boston Tea Party is seen by many with derision but so it was the original one. We are headed to a major economic crisis and this is the chance Liberal Socialist in our executive branch are waiting for to enact the death of the Republic.

But Miguel, surely you exaggerate. Well, you may think so, but contrary to what many think, what is happening now is not an unique event but it has been repeated in the past and most recently in Venezuela and Zimbabwe. A highly populist leader is elected thanks to the monies of rich idiots and the blissful adoration of a star struck liberal media. Leader takes power and economy tanks due to his ultra liberal economic policies, disrespect for the capital market and unbridled desire for social engineering. Next you know, economy tank, People enter in panic mode, demand solutions from leader, Leader provides promises of solution IF certain liberties are sacrificed for “The Common Good, People give up Basic Liberties, Leader does not fulfil promises, people are shafted and has no recourse but sit there and take it up the keister. Those were the common characteristics of Hugo Chavez and Robert Mugabe and, so far they are eerily similar to what president Obama is doing.  The one that struck me the most was ACORN taking over private property in the name of social reform and defense of the poor which is a faithful copy of Chavez’s Circulos Bolivarianos of Venezuela.

However there is one big difference so far between those Banana Countries (I won’t soil the title of Republic by associating it with those places) with the USA: Armed population. Both Mugabe and Chavez managed to introduce even more draconian gun control laws in countries already “free” from firearms before the final push. Roving bands of criminals and government supporters (and in some cases they are one and the same) now roam freely in cities and countryside terrorizing innocent subjects (no citizens there) and either stealing them of life and property or making sure no dissidence is felt. Unarmed People are just powerless to reclaim the rights the so freely gave away.

Tupamaros: Chavez's shock Troops
Member of the Circulos Bolivarianos
ACORN-Type Chavista activist training to defend the "Revolution."
ACORN-Type Chavista activist in training.

Interesting enough, Chavez ran his first presidential campaign under the banner of Change. Forewarned is forearmed.

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