Just a bit of Sunday plinking

In a redneck-ish way.

AR 15 with iron sights, unsupported, standing at 35 yards shooting .22LR with CMMG Conversion kit.

The pan, the self-healing and the steel targets got most of the ballistic seed (Federal Automatch 40 grains) because feedback is fun. The CMMG kit ran flawlessly through 3 mags (75 rounds) and my only issue is going to be to clean the rifle. In fact, I am going to leave it as a dedicated .22LR AR and maybe buy a couple of extra mags.

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Dark Money Exposed

In 2009 the supreme court heard the case of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. At issue was the question of a ban on corporate electioneering communications ( 2 U.S.C. §441b ).

Citizens United was a non-profit corporation that had made a film about Hillary Clinton and wanted to release it for video-on-demand via cable companies. They were going to pay the cable companies so that the film would be free to viewers.

The Federal Election Campaign Act limited what a corporation or union could say.

Consider the situation, you and a few of your best friends want to make a movie about Brandon. You all put up money and pay to have it professionally done. That means hiring talent, directors, crew and a dozen other things. All of these people want a contract to protect themselves and to know what they are getting into.

Because of the FECA the situation is this, if one of you decides to be the front man, all the contracts are written personally between that person and every other person involved. That person is now liable for anything that happens. And since it is them personally that the contracts are with all of their wealth is also at risk.

In addition, since all the contracts are with them, if they decide to do something you don’t like, you have no legal voice.

The answer to this is to incorporate. This is the case for almost every movie made. Somebody decides to make a movie, they find somebody to green light the movie, they form a production company. That company exists for the duration of the creation of the movie. At the end of that time the corporation is dissolved. This protects everybody involved.

But under the FECA doing this the first way, as a personal project was legal, doing it as a corporation was illegal.

Citizens United expect to run afoul of the law so the asked for injunctive relief against the Federal Election Commission. The case made its way to the supreme court, was argued in 2009 and the opinion was issued in 2010. 2 years after the election.

The Court noted that §441b’s prohibition on corporate independent expenditures and electioneering communications is a ban on speech and “political speech must prevail against laws that would suppress it, whether by design or inadvertence.” Accordingly, laws that burden political speech are subject to “strict scrutiny,” which requires the government to prove that the restriction furthers a compelling interest and is narrowly tailored to achieve that interest. According to the Court, prior to Austin there was a line of precedent forbidding speech restrictions based on a speaker’s corporate identity, and after Austin there was a line permitting them. In reconsidering Austin, the Court found that the justifications that supported the restrictions on corporate expenditures are not compelling.
Citizens United v. FEC

The Citizens United case became one of the boogiemen of the left. They claimed that because of Citizens United, the wealth would be able to buy elections. The implication being that the wealthy were Republicans and thus Republicans would be buying elections. They were projecting of course.

With very little research it is easy to see that many Democratic institutions have been funneling vast amounts of money into elections for years and years.

To get an idea of how bad it really is, just ask any Union Representative “Who was the last Republican that the union endorsed?” In most cases they have no answer.

Using their standard battle rules, the left immediately labeled that which they disliked with a pejorative and proceed to attack every time a conservative donated money to a conservative cause as “dark money.”

Dark money is the bugaboo of the left. The Koch Brothers were constantly attacked as dark money. Never mind the fact that people like Soros and Bloomberg spend much more, each, on leftist causes.

The definition of dark money is funding that can not be traced back to a person or entity. In general, if you give money to a political candidate above a certain level it is recorded and is a public record. Certain donations to nonprofits (PACS) are also reported.

The way around this is that money given to some funds are not required to be reported. That fund can then donate money to other nonprofits and that donation is reported. So you give $20,000 to a Republican candidate and you go to jail. You give $20,000 to a Democrat candidate and it is ignored. If you give $20,000 to a pro-republican fund and they in turn give $20,000 to a PAC working in support of that candidate and your name is never mentioned by that PAC and there are no laws broken.

If this is done by conservatives, it is dark money.

If it is done by leftists it is just business as usual.

A new group anti-gun group has shown up, Project Unloaded.

The mission of Project Unloaded is to create a new cultural narrative that guns make us less safe.

Research shows that teens and young adults are forming opinions and making decisions about guns. Through creative and cultural campaigns, Project Unloaded establishes safe spaces for open conversations about guns and provides accurate information about gun safety to inspire the next generation to choose on their own terms not to own a gun.

This group is almost entirely funded by a series of fund managed by Arabella Advisors. There are four major funds managed by AA and they are all receiving vast amounts of ‘dark money’, over $1.5 billion according to tax filings. LIBERAL DARK MONEY JUGGERNAUT RAISES $1.6 BILLION TO FLOOD LEFT-WING GROUPS WITH CASH, TAX FORMS REVEAL

All of this is to say that once again we are winning. As our rights are acknowledge by the Supreme Court, the left immediately pivots to a new way of attacking.

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Leftist prosecutor finally finds a SYG situation she supports

This story is insane.

An off-duty firefighter in Kansas City was killed in an altercation at a convenience store.

Missouri woman WON’T be charged with killing fireman after grabbing gun from her felon boyfriend – who was brawling with him – and shooting the first responder: Prosecutors say she acted in self-defense

The fatal incident started when the woman’s boyfriend entered a gas station to buy cigars.

Taylor became angry when the clerk in the gas station said she did not have the product he wanted. She then asked him to leave.

Santi, who was off-duty and in the store at the time, stepped in to help the cashier, and asked Taylor to leave.

The pair began scuffling, and the fight continued outside. In the forecourt, the two men were on the ground fighting.

Footage shot by a bystander shows Santi, who is white, overpowering Taylor, a slender black man, who squirms on the floor.

Taylor’s girlfriend appears and can be seen in the footage screaming: ‘Stop!’

The boyfriend then hands her a gun in his pocket, and she takes the weapon.

Taylor, a convicted felon found guilty of armed robbery in May 2019, was barred from possessing a gun.

‘Stop!’ she screams at Santi, as he tried to put Taylor in a head lock. ‘Let him go! My kids are in the car! You’re killing him!’

The woman then opens fire, shooting Santi in the back and fatally-injuring him.

Here is video from the incident.


Local news gives more details.

Woman won’t be charged in shooting death of Kansas City firefighter

The court document shows Taylor pulled a gun, and the two men started fighting over the weapon. A woman who arrived at the store with Taylor got out of a vehicle. The video shows her picking up the gun from Taylor.

The affidavit states the woman pointed the gun at Santi and shot him in the back.

Taylor is facing a weapons charge from the incident.

The very Leftist prosecutor is refusing to bring charges against the woman citing her right to self defense and Missouri’s Stand Your Ground law.

This is horseshit.

Taylor was a felon illegal in possession of a firearm.

He drew his gun on the firefighter after provoking a violent encounter.

The firefighter was well within his right to defend himself from Taylor.

The girlfriend then took his gun and shot the firefighter, claiming to defend her felonious boyfriend.


If you get mugged by two men, and you shoot one of the muggers in self defense, the other mugger can’t shoot you and claim self defense in return, because he was an accomplice to the original crime.

This girlfriend was traveling with a known felon in possession.

She shouldn’t have the right to defend her boyfriend against the man who was defying himself from her boyfriend.

But she’s a black woman and the firefighter was a white man, so for tye very first time a Woke Leftist prosecutor will use Stand Your Ground to avoid prosecution.

This is the stare of our political justice system.

The law is a tool of political enforcement, not justice.

It’s just too bad the firefighter wasn’t carrying and didn’t yeet them both.

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The degeneracy of the White House

Soft men make hard times.

If you want to know what sort of hard times are coming, you need to understand the softness of this Administration.

Allow me to introduce Dylan Mulvaney.

Dylan is all the rage right now.

He is a TikTok star and content creator (that this is a career that makes people rich is a prime example of the softness that we’re in).

He has decided he want to become a girl.

He has documented his transition on TikTok as “days of girlhood.”  This video is a compilation of his first 15 days.


The way he has done that is so shallow that if you told me that this was a parody in which a boy pretended to be a vapid high school girl, I would find it more believable.

But society is not allowed to call this what it is: an egregiously offensive LARPing of superficial girl behavior.

So instead, this gets celebrated and rewarded.

Ulta Beauty promoted his to talk about girlhood, something he has never experienced.


But if corporate America promoting this wasn’t grotesque enough, the White House took this bullshit seriously.

Biden welcomes trans TikToker to Oval Office after she sparked controversy for saying she WILL be a mom one day

A viral TikTok star and transgender activist visited President Joe Biden in the Oval Office to discuss her transition and transgender issues in the US.

Dylan Mulvaney, who documents on the app her ‘firsts’ as a woman in a series she calls ‘days of girlhood,’ revealed that she and members of NowThis News were visiting the White House for an interview that will be made public on Sunday.

This is the TikTok video in which Dylan announced his big news.


Day 222- talking to the president at the White House with @nowthis (interview goes live on Sunday Night!) #trans #whitehouse #nowthisnews

♬ Presidential Honors (Entrance of The President) – USMMA Band


He’s been LARPing as a girl for less than eight months and is now talking to the President of the United States about transgender issues.

We are in the worst inflation cycle in half a century.

We have record high food prices.

Were closer to nuclear war than any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis.

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve is at record lows.

The housing market if about to take a dive that will make tye 2008 Crisis look like a hiccup.

And yet the priority of the White House is to put a TikTok star in front of the President and play-act like a stupid teenage girl.

At least Nero could play the fiddle.

Our nation will not survive the hard times that will be created by people so soft.



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A compelling reason to seal the border but they will push gun control

I saw Miguel’s post Let’s sit back and enjoy the Canadian Experiment and thought how relevant that is to the post I was working on.

From The Trace:

Guns Recovered by Mexico’s Military Come Mostly From U.S. Makers

In the wake of a judge’s decision to throw out the Mexican government’s lawsuit against the gun industry, data shows American companies produce the weapons driving cartel violence.

On September 30, a federal judge dismissed a groundbreaking legal challenge to the gun industry filed by the government of Mexico. The suit laid out an argument that major U.S. gunmakers have knowingly facilitated more than a decade of deadly cartel violence across the southern border. They have done this, Mexico argued, by marketing weapons in a way that attracts criminals and turning a blind eye to those weapons’ diversion into trafficking routes. The judge dismissed the claim on account of a special legal shield enjoyed by the gun industry.

Mexico’s government is one of the most corrupt in the world.  Its ability, or lack there of, to fight the cartels has nothing to do with American gun manufacturers and everything to do with them.

Suing American gun manufacturers because they can’t keep their own people in line is a farce.

To date, data underlying Mexico’s dramatic pronouncements — that as much as 90 percent of all guns recovered on Mexican soil originated in the U.S.; that as many as 597,000 weapons slip over the border each year, most from American gun manufacturers — has only been shared in aggregate form by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

U.S. gun manufacturers make up seven out of the top 10 companies whose guns are most frequently seized by the Mexican military. Colt Manufacturing, based in Hartford, Connecticut, led the list, with more than 8,500 firearms — 6.8 percent of all guns recovered in Mexico over the 10-year span. Winchester Repeating Arms, based in New Haven, Connecticut, followed in second place with over 4,000 weapons recovered. Major gunmakers including Smith & Wesson, Remington, Ruger, and Browning, also appear in the top 10.

Unless the cartels hit a shipment of Colts I can’t believe that those were civilian guns bought from gun stores.  So I’m dubious of that.


This is being used to justify more restrictions on American gun manufacturers and law abiding American citizens.

The more direct solution is to seal the border.

Call me whatever name you want, but I fundamentally believe that US Constitutional rights expressly and exclusively belong to US citizens.

When such a situation like this arises, before we take the tiniest step in restricting the rights of Americans we should exhaust every option in the restrictions on non-citizens.

I’d rather turn the US/Mexico border into an impassable no man’s land of barbed wire, landmines, and intersecting fields of machine gun fire than impose gun control on Americans to protect the government of Mexico.

But the Left will open the border land and shut down the gun industry to protect the corrupt government of Mexico.

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