One year for sexually abusing an 11-year-old?

The sentence for that should be death by woodchipper.

Zero tolerance and zero mercy for pedophiles.

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Aleatory Ruminations for 10/21/2022

Right out of the bat.


When you see a kid acting in a certain way and you just know the parents won’t need a college fund but a legal defense fund.


Fifty cents a round of .357 Magnum? Jeeesus! And that is for the cheap stuff. Buffalo Bore is demanding a buck and a half per round of its stuff. I am going to get a box of Hornady Critical Defense (“Just” a $1.12 each) for social interaction and I guess I have to get some reloading done for fun purposes.

You are dead.

Early voting is up and running. I am going to see if I can do it today at the Elections Commissions Office just because this is Tennessee, and I can frigging carry to the polls.
PS: Schools are verboten.



And this weekend will be the last running of the lawnmower for 2022. Apparently, I have to get rid of the fallen leaves or they will affect negatively the lawn… which by now does not sound like a bad prospect either.

I am getting too old for landscaping .


This is the first complete hurricane season I did not have to participate. Still feels weird, but also a lot of mental relief except for the part where I do worry about my friends in Fair Florida.

But them assholes are tough anyway. And assholes too, I bet they will laugh at me when I am bitching about the miserable cold.

(Makes note: you had a ton of random thoughts to add for this and other posts, but you did not put them anywhere and now you done forgotten. WRITE SHIT DOWN!”)

OK, done for today.

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When Canada was a decent country

From before it was taken over the communist son of Fidel Castro, raised by the worst cuckold Prime Minister Canada had until now.


The ad is 100% correct.

Shooting really is a lifetime sport.

What a sad decline of our neighbor to the north, and a warning for US in the US.

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Ken Hackathorn explains why I won’t do red dots on pistols


The first half of that video is spot on.

I have a lot of shooting under my belt on iron sights.

My muscle memory and eye focus has been developed over the years to shoot irons.

I simply do not want to invest the time, money, and effort to learn a totally new system that provides, a negligible to marginal improvement for me in practical use.


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Dear red dot on pistol people,

I get it, I’m a dinosaur with a flip phone who is scared of fancy electric optics.


Now please shut the fuck up and leave me alone.

I have put tens of thousands of rounds down range with irons on pistols and I’m fairly decent at it.

I’ve tried red dots on pistols a few times and I can’t shoot them for shit.

My muscle memory is for irons.

I have to think about the red dot.  It’s not smooth or fast or familiar to me.

Sure, I could learn them but I’m happy with my performance with irons and I don’t feel like shooting tens of thousands of more rounds with a new platform to retrain my brain.

At this point, you’re just being a dick, right up there with vegans who do Cross Fit.


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Contributor : Do It Yourself Emergency Care

Author: Howdy, I’m Reltney McFee, although the agencies licensing me know me by another name, altogether. I am now a midlevel working in urgent care in the heart of Flyover Country. I have been an RN since around 1980 (recently let my license lapse: I simply do not see my elderly ass pulling night shifts in any ER anywhere!), having most of my Nursing time in ER, with some ICU and nursing supervision here and there. I was licensed as a paramedic for around 20 years, and worked in Da City as well as a volunteer in some rural rescues. I have been a midlevel for about 15 years. Feel free to critically appraise my suggestions here. While I am pretty good, I ain’t purfekt!

First disclaimer: LOONNGGG post warning!


Third disclaimer: I apologize for my computer fumble fingery, but the hyperlinks do not show as hyperlinks for most of this post.

Feel free to copy and paste the links into your browser.

So, the preceding obligatory disclaimer having been presented, why might you want to be able to provide your own medical care?

Well, if professional medical care is not available, you might have a zero-sum choice to make. Kind of like Graham’s Kill HouseRules.


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Digital Vandalizim

On Oct 16th, 2022 somebody decided that a electronic message board alongside I-93 in NH could be put to better use than “Shoulder Closed, 1/2 Mile Ahead.”

The despicable evil person parked somewhere near before making their way to the control box. They managed to open the control box with no reported damage. At that point the reprogrammed the sign to flash an entirely different message.

One that was so disrespectful and rude.

A construction crew was called out. They found the vanalized message board and immediately turned it around so as to not offend anybody driving past. With a little bit of effort they were able to shut it down.

PSA: Do not go to unattended roadside message boards and reprogram them to say “Fuck Joe Biden.”

That is all.
NH DOT sign in Manchester vandalized to display vulgar message about Biden

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