Schadenfreude Alert: Enviromental Nutjobs bitch when carbon-based comforts are not provided.

But…but we are special!

Dear Activist Idiot: In case you have not heard, there is an energy crunch in Europ right now because and everybody needs to do their part in conserving fuels…which strangely is something you are supposed to be championing. Nex time, try to glue to each other and the floor to conserve heat.

And the bowls are probably made out of that evil petrol-based plastic so you should be happy you are not contributing to pollute even more our landfills.

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Why you don’t see looting in Florida

We are used to seeing videos like this from places like California.


You don’t see them in Florida.

This is why:


The unofficial motto of Florida is “you loot, we shoot.”

Lots of people have been moving to Florida.  Not all of them are good people.

It’s important that the criminals who relocated from gun free states learn that Florida does things a little differently.

If you want to loot, go back to California.

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Typical Leftist problem solving

There has never been a problem the Left couldn’t solve by exterminating some undesirable percent of the population.

Throughout history, Leftists regimes have identified one group or another as the cause of all of society’s problems and proposed to fix the problem by getting rid of the group.

The Nazis are best known for doing this to the Jews, but they were not alone.

Benito Mussolini made the trains run on time by shooting people.

The Soviets sent countless people to the gulags.

Zimbabwe eliminated white farmers.

In America in 2022, the Democrats have decided that babies are the root cause of inflation.

The way to bring down the cost of diapers, formula, and even gasoline is to exterminate children in the womb.

The end of this ideological road is Chinese style compulsory abortion.

These people are evil.


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Response to a reader comment

So then, what you’re saying is, people with conservative right-political convictions can have extremisms which are principled disciplines and are therefore the very soul of their existence and can become subjective in nature rather than objective in nature. And people with liberal left-political views are pawns without exercising their intellects to the point of developing principled disciplines and therefore having no soul, but instead a State created existence, personally shallow.

The former has various levels of ‘Critical Thinking’ while the latter does not and believes critical thinking is nothing more than mean insults thrown about as a young child does–projecting their immaturity onto their political enemy, knowing only subjectivism as the determiner of all things. The former succeeds due to exhaustive comprehensive planning while the latter fails due to the total lack of any realistic planning at all.
There is no left wing extremism! David Douglass

I’m trying to parse this so I’ll take in in chunks.

I do believe that people that lean conservative or right are more likely to have principled disciplines. Stated differently, I have found that people on the right are consistent in their beliefs. That if they have a moral principle it is highly likely that they apply that principle across the vast majority of their lives.

When I was fighting for my children I had to take a psych evaluation. One of the questions in that survey was “do you lie?”. The answer I gave was “yes”. Yes, I do lie. Sometimes it is to hide information or to mislead. In other cases it is because to bluntly tell the truth would hurt somebody I love and that is worse than the lie.

“Honey, does this dress make me look fat?” “You are beautiful no matter what you are wearing. I love you without bounds.”

The left has goals. The principles they seem to live by are built around those goals. Since they are goal oriented this means that their principles morph depending on the goal. They want Trump out of office so him holding on to the rail as he walks down a wet ramp is an indication that he is unhealthy and should be removed from office. They want Joe in office so him falling multiple times walking up the steps is nothing.

Trump says something rude and it will cause world war III, remove him from office! Joe sends military aid to somebody that is threatening nuclear war and it “is the right thing to do.” Everything is goal oriented.

When somebody on the right is looking at principles, they discuss principles. “If I am against abortion, are there any exceptions? How is abortion different than the death penalty? How can I hold an anti abortion point of view at the same time I believe in the death penalty?”

I am looking at the principle and making sure that it is consistent across my entire view point.

The left seems to look at an issue, judge the person based on their opinion on that issue, then start hating that person. Once they have decided that a person or idea is evil, then the goal becomes removing that person or idea. They aren’t looking at first principles, they are looking at the goal.

If Amy Coney Barrett becomes a supreme court justice then Roe v Wade will fall. The left hates Amy and anything they can find to justify that hate is grist for the mill. They will attack because of the goal.

This goal orientation is what allows a leftist to hate one person for an opinion while loving another person for the exact same opinion. Obama taking 30,000+ documents with him when he left office is no big thing. Him promising to scan and return them is all that is required. Trump taking many less is cause for an FBI raid.

Nobody asks why they didn’t raid Obama, Obama is the light giver, Trump is the devil come to earth.

I refuse to see people on the left as not thinking. I believe that there are many very smart people on the left. People that have good, grounded, principles. The problem is that when they let their emotions take control they stop thinking and start emoting.

It is well known that people respond to emotional appeals much more readily than to appeals to the intellect. There are people that have huge communications channels that know this and use it.

An example of this sort of emotional appeal is the assault weapons ban. Many leftists want an AWB. Assault Weapons are so deadly and dangerous using such deadly ammunition that no civilian should ever be allowed to own them.

When I’m talking to an open minded leftist about guns and they are willing to listen I’ll show them ammunition and ask them to decide which is the one they wish to ban, because it is just too deadly. They always go for the big stuff. 30-06, 7.62x54r, 7.62×51 NATO are all “evil” in their eyes. They never pick the 5.56×45. Never.

I then ask them to decide which of two rifles they would ban, the M1 or the AR15, showing them both. If I show them the AR-15 dressed in black with the tacticool stuff attached, they want to ban that. If I show them “Mrs. Pink”, an AR-15 with pink furniture they are much less sure of themselves.

It is the emotional appeal that has them hating.

It is difficult to cause a principled man to change his principles. This is why we talk about the dimmer vs. the switch. People on the right have an off on switch. The people on the left use a dimmer. It is easy to turn the dimmer up just a little bit more.

To flip the switch requires that the principles a man believes in must align or be broken.

A man that is peaceful does not wish to become violent. Yet there is that point where they do flip that switch. Harming my children would cause that switch to flip for me. I would do what I can to “make it right”.

Why I believe the right succeeds is another article. I have to think on that for a bit.

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When you take away the right and tools for self defense


All you can do is tell people that they should hide their property or hand it over to criminals without resistance.

The law abiding have no other recourse than capitulation to criminals.

This is the death of a great civilization.


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Enemy nations putting US and UK traitors on payroll

These stories broke within 24 hours of each other.

First, the UK:

Thirty former RAF pilots are paid £250,000 each to train Chinese to shoot down Western aircraft in possible threat to national security

Former British fighter pilots are training the Chinese to shoot down Western aircraft, officials warned last night.

Up to 30 pilots have recently moved to China after securing £250,000-a-year contracts to teach Western flying procedures, it was revealed.

Due to legal loopholes, there is nothing the Armed Forces can do to prevent the Beijing brain drain – a potential threat to national security in which Chinese pilots could be given a lethal advantage in any future conflict.

Western officials said last night Britain was discussing with allies how to respond to the issue as they are similarly affected.

The Daily Mail has been told fast-jet pilots from Australia and Canada have also been lured to China on huge contracts.

An official said last night: ‘Serving and former advanced jet pilots are being openly head-hunted to train People’s Liberation Army (PLA) pilots in China.

The Chinese use a private flying academy in South Africa to act as an intermediary as any direct approaches to RAF fast-jet pilots by Beijing would be intercepted by the security services.

Last night, the Test Flying Academy of South Africa (TFASA), based at Oudtshoorn airfield in the Western Cape province, declined to comment on its alleged role.

The TFASA has made offers to RAF Typhoon, Jaguar and Tornado pilots to relocate to China and become PLA instructors, according to Western officials. UK military helicopter pilots have also been approached.

Next, the US:

Judge forces US military to reveal that 500 vets are secretly taking jobs of up to $260,000 with foreign governments: 15 generals and admirals are being employed by Saudi Arabia – but DoD won’t say how much they are being paid

More than 500 retired US military personnel have taken lucrative jobs working for foreign governments – with generals and admirals landing roles in Saudi Arabia.

It was revealed after a judge forced the military to hand over documents detailing the jobs, but allowed some information – such as payments – to be redacted.

The ministry is led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who the CIA say approved the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018.

Most personnel have taken jobs in countries known for human rights abuse and political repression, according to an investigation by the Washington Post.

Alexander led the National Security Agency under Obama and President George W. Bush, while Jones was a national security adviser – and has also taken work from the Government of Libya.

It is unclear exactly how much the former high-ranking personnel are being paid per job, but it is more than what most American service members earn on active duty.

Those serving as an active four-star general earns $203,698 a year in basic pay, while former military officials have been given consulting deals worth more than $10million.

A retired US Air Force general was offered a consulting gig in Azerbaijan at a rate of $5,000 a day, with retired generals and admirals being offered the most money.

Retired Army Lt. Gen Michael Flynn, 63, was investigated by the Defense Departments inspector after collecting $449,807 from Russian and Turkish interests in 2015 a year after his retirement.

He was celebrating the 10th anniversary of Russia Today, and was paid $38,557 to travel to the event, and in 2017 pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with the Russian ambassador to the US.

The inspector general ordered him to forfeit the cash that he had received from the Moscow trip, but was not penalized further for the remaining $411,250 he collected from Russia and Turkey.

I can guarantee that China is paying retired US military personnel as well.

This shocks me and doesn’t shock me.

For years the culture of the upper echelon of the military has been “how do I take my military experience and turn it into big money in defense contracting.”

There is a whole system of grooming officers to go and cash out in the military industrial complex.

What I didn’t expect, but should have, is that this culture would ultimately lead these officers to go and cash out to foreign countries that are politically or ideologically opposed to the US or the Western World.

Patriotism is dead, the top half of the military is just a prep school for teaching national secrets to people who can then sell that information to the highest bidder.

A Woke decadent military would ultimately turn on its country for money.  We should have seen this coming.  When we are thoroughly defeated by an enemy that is more that goat rapists in flip-flops, maybe we’ll learn our lesson.

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There is no left wing extremism!

A friend was recently contacted to do a funeral. They were told that they were the 12th minister that the family had contacted in an attempt to find a minister to perform the funeral. In this case the person had died and had already been cremated so the funeral was happening in October, a couple of months after my friend was contacted.

What was it that made it so difficult to get a minster for a funeral? Simple, the family has some native american beliefs and they wanted the minister to say a native american prayer during the service. My friend said “yes.” No other minister would do it. The prayer in question wasn’t outlandish. It was a very Christianized version of the original prayer.

Why would so many of these men of faith refuse?

They are right wing extremists.

When you go looking for “intolerant assholes” you don’t have to look much further than christian churches (and can’t speak of other synagogues, I leave that to J.Kb.). We have all heard about the mega-churches where you send your money in order to be saved and anybody that hadn’t been saved was going straight to hell.

It is a trope in movies, videos and books. The religious leader that is intolerant of whatever it is they are currently hating on. Footloose it was dancing. In other cases it was singing, or bright colors. Or who you decided to marry. The Devil’s music has been at the receiving end of intolerant religious assholes, as have computer games and different movies.

It is easy to list these types of intolerances and point and laugh at the “extremist, intolerant right-wing”. It is an easy target.

You can point to the leaders, in my youth it was Jerry Falwell. He of the silent majority and “good christian virtues” that had the ear of politicians trying to ban everything that appealed to the puritanical nature of people.

You can always find the leader of these institutions. I’ve run into them. A preacher gave a surmon and he got a bunch of history flat out wrong. After the service I went to speak to him. I addressed just one part that he got totally wrong. Gave him references outside of the bible and in the bible.

“I went to seminary, we are just going to have to agree to disagree.”

His mind was so closed he couldn’t hear anything he didn’t want to hear. I’ve had much better interactions with other preachers. One asked me why I didn’t come to church. I invited her to visit my church. She came, I took her to a glade on our property about a half mile into the forest. There we sat for a while under the blue sky. We said a prayer.

When we walked out she said “I understand.”

But, this isn’t really about “intolerant right-wing assholes.”

What it is really about is left wing extremists.

During the height of the mostly peaceful protests we had the “black block” and “antifa” and other left wing extremists doing horrible things to our cities and our country. When they were called out the media gleefully claimed that there was no such thing as an antifa organization.

The media lectured us that antifa was working for the good. It was right there in their names, anti fascist. Obviously they were good. Sort of like the “German Democratic Republic” which wasn’t a democracy nor a republic.

The left is a disorganized mob. The Ray Epps of this country play them like a fiddle. They know exactly who they are to hate at today’s 2 minute hate. They are told, but not by some leader. They are told by instigators within the mob.

When Trump was running for the nomination he was getting 100% positive media attention. Every media outlet was more than happy to give him free air time. It was always “Trump is so much better than …” and you would hear the name of whoever the front running was in the primaries that particular day.

And the left wing extremist chanted in unison their love for Donald J. Trump.

My wife was amazed at all the positive attention a Republican was getting. I told her that the positive attention would last until the instant that Trump got the nomination, if he did. At that moment, the media would turn on him with a single mind to attack.

Which is exactly what happened.

The left has many more extremists than exists on the right, they just take their marching orders from a distributed command and control system.

Still, it is worse than just having an extremist on the left. Their intolerance is for people, not ideas, words or even actions. It is of people.

Most Christians will have a “Hate the sin, love the sinner” type of outlook. At least the ones I know. If you are doing something “sinful” then I might hate that sin and still love you. If you do a sinful thing, I might still love you but advocate for you to be put to death.

I hate exactly one person. And it isn’t either of my ex-wives.

The left hates people. If you are guilty of wrongthink, you are evil. If you are evil then you can be a target of hate.

Some left wing extremists shouts at you and that is ok. You say a mean word and you are evil and should be hated.

“These illegal aliens include members of MS-13, a horrific evil group.”

“Trump is evil! Down with Trump.”

It isn’t the idea that we should close the border that they hated, no it was the man that suggested that we do it.

It isn’t the concept of “all lives matter”, it is the person that dares to say it.

Unfortunately for the left, the right is starting to respond. They are responding in ways that scare the left to the bottoms of their evil little hearts.

Have you every considered why the government is so scared of “right wing extremists”? Antifa and BLM attacked the court houses and government buildings in cities around this country with every sort of weapon they wanted. They did not gain entrance.

The right shows up and turns into a mob, the breach security and enter the build. Even as a brainless mob the right is so much more effective than the left. You do not want a bunch of right wing “extremists” deciding it is go time. They will succeed where the left would not.

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