Friday Feedback

Some states are just anti-gun. Some states are pro-gun. But some states go out of their way to be nasty to gun owners.

New York is my vote for the nastiest of the states right now, what with their Concealed Carry Improvement act.

The CCI was challenged and the case was dismissed for lack of standing.

The case was re-filed with multiple people saying “I’m in violation of this law.” so it has standing.

The judge ruled that it was obvious to him that at least parts of the CCI were unconstitutional so issued a temporary injunction.

The state appealed to the 2nd circuit claiming, among other things, that the temporary injunction would cause confusion for gun owners.

The 2nd circuit ruled that the temporary injection is held (not allowed to happen).

The case is going forward before the district judge.

We can expect the state to appeal. The question is how long it will take before it is ruled unconstitutional and sticks.

So my question for you all:

Do you want to hear about the status of cases like this? It is all over my feeds, I’m more than willing to pass it on but it sometimes feels like everybody else is already talking about it, what’s this blogger’s opinion really going to add?

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What I love about Socialists is that they will eventually eat their own.

And the other unvarnished truth is that they will betray each other for power.

And kill them.

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Russian-Style conscription: Been there.

Back in my younger years, this was the way it was done in Venezuela. From the age of 18 till 25, you were expected to serve and if the military did not have enough people to fill the assigned yearly numbers, they went hunting for recruits. We called it Recluta.

Venezuelan military was as corrupted as the rest of its institutions. If you were a plain soldier doing your time, you were fully abused and treated as slave for the upper ranks and their political buddies. Very few were in real defense duties which it meant going to the border with Colombia and deal with the FARC and other assorted terrorist/guerrilla organizations and later with the Colombian cartels. Support was null to zero for the troops, so they learned to dig deep and avoid confrontations, something they were not successful sometimes. Imagine yourself a poorly trained, poorly equipped and unsupported trooper going against hardcore veterans of 30+ years of civil and guerrilla warfare.

So, you did your best to hide when you read in the paper that recruitment quotas were not met. More than once, my buds and I went to the movies only to see the military “recruiters” stand at the exits demanding papers which included the military registration card. If you were “excepted” (Only child, student, etc.) you would go free, but otherwise it was a straight trip to the “Jaula” (Cage or what it is known to all of you as paddy wagon) and then a quick trip to the local military base without a chance to notify anybody for 3 months.  The shit was that if the numbers were low in a year, they would “lose” your military exception papers and by the time shit was cleared, well, you have been already 6 months inside, go ahead and finish.

To say that there were a number of pissed off recruits is an understatement and that lead to the almost never reported cases upon cases of mass killings inside military installations by angry young men that were kidnapped from the streets, treated like shit and then given an FN FAL and expect they would say thank you and smile. I personally know of one case where a recruit killed at least 5 uniformed personnel in one night including a couple sergeants and one lieutenant. I saw the bodies come into the military hospital.

Reclutas died down when the economy tanked in Venezuela in the early to mid 80s. Young kids without a possibility of a good paying or even a crappy paying job, would volunteer to have three squares, a roof and medical plus being able to send some coin home to the family. Allegedly a new law passed and the Recluta system is no longer in action, but with teh economy going deeper into shit every second and more people trying to join in for benefits, we would never know if they would have followed the law.

Oh yes. I did my best and was never picked up nor I served in that shitshow of military. To say I was impressed at the military in the US is a frigging understatement. Hell, I wanted to join, but the future missus put a stop to that. I am neither sorry not embarrassed I did not do my “duty” in the Venezuelan Armed Forces. As I was told by a NG General friend of my dad: “This asshole would probably blow HQ and kill everybody inside.” when I mentioned if recruited, I wanted to be in demolitions.

PS: Another way to avoid the Recluta at night was to be with a date. It sems the upper crust of the military did not want to be raked over coals if some girls were left in the cold and unescorted in the late hours because their boyfriends were hauled away to “serve their country.”


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Catch and Release, NYC

A couple of weeks ago we covered the story of Michael Palacios and his unhappy experience at a NYC McDonalds.

He was so unhappy he took an ax and threatened and attacked customers. He assaulted a number of people there.

Fortunately for the good folks of NYC, the police were there after the violence had stopped to arrest Palacios.

Being a violent criminal who was “well known to law enforcement” he spent a couple of hours in jail before being released without bail.

On Sunday he was arrested again. This time for graffiti and grand theft. He stole a “expensive bike” from a nearby coffee shop and then took off. The police gave chase before finally catching him.

He broke the $3500 bike (Why was it not secured?)

He was charged with “grand larceny, two counts of criminal mischief, possession of stolen property, making graffiti and possession of graffiti instruments”. He was also charged with a graffiti violation for an incident in June.

Given his one many vandalism spree after his violent assault on multiple people, he again spend a few hours in jail before being released without bail.

We all are praying and hoping that he learned his lesson this time.

NYC man released without bail for McDonald’s ax attack arrested again and released without bail

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Stalin Cruise Ships

Still reading The Great Terror: A Reassessment by Robert Conquest.


One small bit of history I was unaware of. During the Great Purge, untold tens of thousands of Soviet citizens were disposed of by means of stuffing them in old ships and barges, taking them to some deep-water locations and scuttling the vessels, drowning all the occupants.

Hitler was a fucking amateur.

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