I could have done this for $100 and saved Idaho $2.5M

Child rapist awarded $2.5 million settlement for trans surgery after Idaho prison withheld ‘care’

A violent sex offender who was incarcerated for the sexual abuse of a 15-year-old boy has been awarded more than $2.5 million in legal fees after suing the state of Idaho for withholding “gender affirming care,” Reduxx reports.

The individual now goes by the name of Adree Edmo. Edmo filed the lawsuit against the state of Idaho and the department of correction’s medical provider, Corizon Correctional Healthcare, in 2017 after being denied gender surgeries.

Edmo had also sought a legal name change, “gender appropriate” clothing, and transfer to a women’s prison.

I really don’t understand Idaho.

This is a child rapist who wants his dick and balls removed.

All I need is an electric carving knife, a soldering iron for cautery, and ear plugs (for the screaming), and a couple of assistants to hold him down.

No need for anesthesia.

Then they can toss him into whatever prison he/she’s like.

Problem solved in 10 minutes with about $100 worth of supplies.

Instead they are going to pay $2.5M in damages.


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Another case for Bruen in NYC

These are becoming almost daily posts.


This 62-year-old man was attacked by four, I’m going to guess, youths.

The way they behave makes me think they are upper teens or early 20s at the most.

Regardless, getting your skull cracked on the sidewalk and suffering a TBI is equally deadly if it’s done by a 17-year-old or a man in his 30s.

What makes one 62-year-old equal to four violent 17-year-olds?

A high capacity sub compact.


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Family pit bulls kill both family’s children

This is probably the most most horrific pit bull story I’ve covered, yet.

Mom hospitalized after her 2 kids killed in pit bull attack

A Tennessee mother-of-two is now in stable condition with “stitches and bite marks over her entire body” after attempting to intervene when her two pit bulls mauled her toddlers to death Wednesday.

Kirstie Jane Bennard, 30, was severely injured by the dogs when she tried to pull them off of her 5-month-old boy, Hollace Dean, and 2-year-old girl, Lilly Jane, just outside of their home in Shelby County, Tennessee.

Both of the children were pronounced dead at the scene, according to a Twitter post made by Shelby County Sheriff’s Office.

The pets, Cheech and Mia, were a part of the family for more than eight years without a violent incident, Kelsey Canfield — best friend of Bennard — told Fox News Digital.

Tell me again how pit bulls are loving nanny dogs.

These were family pets for eight years that suddenly went pit bull and killed both of the family’s children.

Both of the family’s children.

This mother and father have to bury both of their children because of their family dogs.

I’m a dog person.  I have two dogs and two children.  I love my dogs.  I also have dogs with long breed histories of being great with children and not mauling them.

I continue to collect and archive stores of pit bull maulings.

I keep saying it over and over again.  Bring a pit bull near my children and I will shoot it.


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Killing my PayPal account. (Updated)

After reading this post from Wirecutter and then finding the darn update of the future Acceptable Uses Policy, I am also eliminating PayPal from my transaction tools.

I have enough aggravation with Facebook having me in limbo for 30 days “pending review” of whatever meme was that twisted their Nethers the wrong way without having Paypal engross their bottom line enforcing ethereal morality clauses for the same posts.

Update: Get woke…

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Going after the FFLs

I have a relationship with my LGS. The owner knows me. I’ve been buying firearms from him for about 15 or so years now.

When I walk into the shop I’m greeted by name. All of the workers know me by name as well. They all have a good idea of the types of firearms I’m interested in.

The last time I was in he showed me a Winchester saddle carbine in some long dead caliber. It was absolutely beautiful. It was made in the late 1800’s. And he handed it to me to handle. After taking it out of the display case that says “Not for sale.”

Yep, he has a case of beautiful collectable firearms that he is displaying.

At one point you could buy a cannon from him.

If I decide to purchase a firearm from him, he smiles, takes my cash, hands me a 4473 and a pen and waits for me to finish filling it out. It gets typed into the computer or phoned/faxed in. And then we wait.

There is no chance in hell that he would let me walk out the door with the gun I just purchased without the approval from NICS.

But he is under increasing pressure from the ATF.

Last year when I went in there were a couple of dudes sitting in the middle of the store at a table with the bound books. For the couple of weeks they were there he made very few sales. It was an ATF inspection.

In years past he let them work in the back room. Today they are required to be under constant observation. He caught them taking pictures of his bound books. That is when they were moved out of the backroom.

The number of FFLs that have had their licenses denied or revoked is up 500+% from last year. There are a number of articles and YouTube videos talking about people losing their livelihoods because the ATF inspectors have a zero-tolerance policy. What use to be “hey, you have a paperwork error, please fix it” now seems to be turning into a loss of license.

Keith Ellison, the AG for MN, is doing the same thing. Attacking FFLs.

People are going into Fleet Farm retailers. Filling out the 4473s. Getting “proceed” responses from NICS. Walking out the door with their newly purchased firearm.

Keith is suing four Fleet Farm retailers in civil court because they didn’t go above the requirements of the law.

The state alleges that the company knew it was selling to straw purchasers or should have known because buyers exhibited red flags such as buying many handguns at once, making multiple purchases in short periods of time and purchasing at multiple Fleet Farms stores to evade reporting requirements.

See, the FFL, having used the best resource the state could provide him, didn’t intuit that the purchaser was doing a straw purchase.

It seems that one person, Jerome Horton, Jr, purchased two dozen firearms over four months from 4 different stores. Atleast according to a federal affidavit.

So the dude bought 1 or 2 guns a month from each store (4 * 4 * 1 = 16, 4 * 4 * 2 = 32). I’ve been known to buy more than two guns a month for a couple of months. I certainly haven’t sold them to anybody else.

What we are seeing is an increase of lawfare to attack the Lawful Commerce in Arms. Over and over again we see this happening. Even Mexico is doing it. Suing gun companies because the gun companies sold a legal product legally to people that they were told by the government were legally allowed to own those products.

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I thought New Yorkers were the toughest.

But send them a small sample of illegal aliens and they have now officially lost their shit.

It seems they are having issues housing the lucky “asylum seekers” and developed some tent city to provide for temporary shelter. But I was thinking about all the empty spaces for rent in the Big Apple that could be taken over by the mayor and transformed into proper housing, especially with winter coming. I mean, the city is rich with all the monies coming in in taxes, right?

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