Are you ready to shoot a kid?

CHARLOTTE COUNTY, Fla. (WFLA) — A Florida deputy was attacked by a 14-year-old boy while on patrol Thursday, according to the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office.

According to a release from the sheriff’s office, the deputy spotted the boy riding a bike in Babcock Ranch, Florida, just after 2 a.m. A nightly curfew is in effect for the area under the state of emergency for Hurricane Ian.
The boy told the deputy he was fishing in the area despite not having any fishing equipment, according to the sheriff’s office.

Deputies said the boy tried to walk away during the stop before turning around and hitting the deputy on the head. As the deputy tried to call for backup, “a struggle ensued” and the teen stabbed him behind the ear with a pocketknife, the sheriff’s office said.
The deputy was stabbed six times but was able to use a Taser and restrain the boy as he waited for help to arrive, according to the sheriff’s office. The deputy was flown to a hospital for treatment and later released.

Florida boy, 14, accused of stabbing deputy 6 times (


Possibly one of the biggest moral blocks installed in our head by thousands of years of societal living. But the sad truth is a child can kill you as efficiently as any adult given the chance.  And the sad part is that a child can be morally trained not to respect life than it is for us to take his.

We are always behind the curve when it comes to a self-defense scenario, but this scenario sets us even farther back which can kill us.

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Officer down


You have to understand what this officer is dealing.

He knows that there is nothing this woman can do to him that would be worse than him, as a white male police officer, geting caught on video being violent with a naked black woman.

She could steal his patrol car and run him over with it and that would be less damaging to his career than manhandling her.

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Economists against the economy

This made me light headed.


Simply put, a nation cannot survive,  let one be strong, if it doesn’t have a strong manufacturing base.

Just like a nation cannot survive,  let one be strong, if it doesn’t have strong agriculture.

This guy might as well say “the only reason to support domestic farming is to support working class white men.”

A nation cannot depend on resources from around the world to survive.

We are watching that happen right now when we voluntarily shut down domestic energy production and began relying on the rest of the world for fuel.

We have become weaker as we relied more and more on overseas manufacturing.

It’s insufficient just to have domestic manufacturing of things you cannot manufacture overseas, like military equipment.

Those workers come from somewhere.  We need domestic manufacturing just to maintain a domestic worker skill set and reserve of people.

But this guy doesn’t care about the stability or strategic position of a nation.

He us shilling for Wall Street executives who would be happy to outsource every last job they could to pocket the profits for themselves.

If you resist and push back against that, he calls you a racist with a fetish for protecting uneducated white men.

Let’s all be totally dependent on China for all production for equity.

If Libertarian economics means outsourcing all of your means of production to China so a bunch of Wall Street executives can get rich and then call everyone who objects racists, I’m gonna become a fascist.

The first 48 hours of the J.Kb administration will include the woodchippering of all DC think tanks.

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We’re gonna get nuked – updated

Remember back in the days of mean Tweets and $2 gas, the Left was saying that President Trump was going to start a nuclear war?

That turned out to be another case of projection.

Here are some things to consider.

The Ukrainian President is begging NATO to preemptively nuke Russia.


I joked about this earlier, but the Huffington Post published an article titled Could A Small Nuclear War Reverse Global Warming?


Then there is this news from today from The Hill:

US purchases $290 million of drug for use in radiological and nuclear emergencies

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) says it has spent $290 million on a drug to treat radiation sickness in the event of a nuclear emergency.

The HHS Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response announced in a Tuesday release that it bought the drug Nplate from Amgen USA Inc. “as part of long-standing, ongoing efforts to be better prepared to save lives following radiological and nuclear emergencies.”

That seems sudden…

This feels like we’re being primed for a small nuclear war.

Joe Biden really wanted to be the second coming of FDR.

One of the longstanding myths of American 3is that WWII got us out of the Great Depression.

What if Biden and his think tank are trying to cause WWIII to pull us out of the Great Recession?

I’m going to keep watching the news but if I start to see articles on how a little nuclear war could fix various economic problems, you can put money on them trying to start a nuclear war.



Yup, we’re gonna get nuked.

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This is why we can’t have nice things.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — The same firearm was found during multiple security screenings at a Nashville International Airport checkpoint Monday.

At around 11 a.m., officials say a loaded Glock 9mm handgun was discovered in a passenger’s carry-on bag. Airport police took possession of the bag and escorted the passenger out of the checkpoint area.

After the interaction with police, the passenger returned to the checkpoint area and officers found the same gun, which was unloaded at that time.

Police once again returned to the checkpoint, interviewed the passenger and ensured he did not have his gun during his third and final screening prior to his flight.


Passenger tries to bring handgun through BNA security checkpoint twice (

That is one dense mother-rucker.  Anybody wants to bet he left the gun in his parked vehicle and probably in the glove compartment or under the seat?


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Alec Baldwin Settlement

Alec Baldwin killed Halyna Hutchins on the set of the B movie “Rust”.

He drew a single action army revolver from a shoulder holster, pointed it at Halyna, pulled back the hammer and pressed the trigger. The gun fired, killing Halyna and injuring the person behind her.

Alec is claiming that as an actor he is to stupid to understand that you always treat a gun as if it is loaded. That you don’t point it at anything you are not willing to kill/destroy. That you make sure of your target and what is beyond. That you don’t put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to pull the trigger.

He failed all four.

There are internet fablist that will claim that it wasn’t Alec’s responsibility to make sure that the gun was unloaded. That it was the responsibility of other people on set to make sure that the stupid actor never did anything dangerous with the gun.

It turns out that there were a lot of things going wrong on the set. The expectation is that there is no live ammunition on set. You shouldn’t trust this, but that is the expectation. The expectation is that you should be able to visibly verify that a firearm is loaded with inert cartridges or blanks.

The inert cartridges we use are either solid aluminum with a rubber nub where the primer should go, or they are actual shells with a black rubber nub where the primer should go AND an airsoft BB in the case. Shake the case and you can hear the rattle.

Somewhere along the line all of the safety measures failed and Alec was handling a firearm with live ammunition in it. And then he pointed that gun at Halyna and pulled the trigger.

He has since told multiple people that he never pulled the trigger. That the gun just went off. It must have been the hammer just falling.

All of which is highly unlikely to be true. In a rare case of the FBI doing what it is suppose to do, they examined the pistol in question and stated that it was working as designed and could not be fired unless the hammer was pulled back, the trigger was pressed and the hammer was free to fall.

Alec did all of those things, we know this because he shot and killed a woman.

The Hutchins family sued the Alec Baldwin. In multiple interviews Alec claimed that he had no responsibility because it was the production company… Except that Alec was one of the producers.

In the last week or so, the district attorney in the case has stated that he was going to be seeking criminal charges. Hopefully Alec is one of the ones to be charged.

Amazingly Alec and the Hutchins family reached a settlement just before charges are filed. If charges had been filed, and Alec lost in criminal court, the odds of him losing in civil court went way up.

As per normal, the terms of the settlement are undisclosed and unlikely to leak.

And the film will now go forward. With Halyna’s husband as an executive producer. With Alec Baldwin still starring in the movie.

Of course there is the question of whether they will be able to find anybody that is willing to be down range of Alec when he has a gun in his hands.

Google returns multiple hits on alec baldwin settlement

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