Another J.Kb policy


The evidence is overwhelming that Fauci saw COVID-19 as an opportunity to end his career with fame an fortune and utterly destroyed society to enrich himself.

There is a way to fix this.

No government employee or elected official should be allowed to receive speaking fees, book deals, royalties, or have and form of income related to their government job, other than their government salary for the duration of their employment and for 10 years afterwards.

The 10 year cooling off period also applies to retired government employees receiving a government contract.

These people will be audited to make sure they are in compliance.

You cannot use your government job to make yourself rich.

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Murder by “Unhoused” teaching a sad lesson in Gun Safety.

Reader Gary sent me this story.

Lancaster, CA – Los Angeles County Probation Department (LACPD) Deputy Probation Officer II Paula Lind was brutally beaten to death by a homeless man who broke into her home early Sunday morning, according to police.

Investigators said the suspect went to 52-year-old Probation Officer Lind’s residence on Barrymore Avenue and shattered a sliding door to gain entry, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Probation Officer Lind, who generally supervised adult offenders, had been working an overtime shift at a juvenile facility in Sylmar to assist with a staffing shortage over the weekend, according to law enforcement source who wanted to remain anonymous.

She had just returned to her house when the attack occurred shortly after midnight on Sept. 25, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Probation Officer Lind and the unidentified intruder got into a physical altercation before she was ultimately bludgeoned to death, according to investigators.

Prosecutors said the suspect was trying to sexually assault her and that he defiled her remains after murdering her, according to the Los Angeles Times.

This caught my attention:

The alleged killer was discovered at the scene and was arrested.

Police said he was armed with a shotgun at the time of the attack, but that the weapon was not fired, according to the Los Angeles Times.

I do not see a homele…err… Unhaused Person walking around anywhere in L.A. with a shotgun and nobody freaking the hell out. I would even go as far he would not have one for a long time before selling it for the poison of his choice. I am going to guess he found the shotgun inside the house in contradiction to the county’s Gun Storage Law and in contradiction of common sense.  And I cannot shake the idea he used the shotgun as blunt instrument to kill the Deputy.

Lessons learned: 1) If you are not under direct control, secure your weapons. 2) Home is not safe till you are sure you are safe. Never drop your guard the moment you walk inside.



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But the solution is more Gun Control.

OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) — Another disturbing headline about the shooting in Oakland comes from the ABC7 I-Team, law enforcement sources tell us school officials have sent text messages to shooting victims, instructing them not to cooperate with police.

Law enforcement sources tell the I-Team, Oakland police investigators have obtained text messages from the shooting victims’ phones in which Rudsdale school officials tell them not to cooperate with police.

Rudsdale school officials texted Oakland shooting victims to not cooperate with police investigation, sources say – ABC7 San Francisco (

Why don’t they want cops to investigate? First, this being Oakland, a city basically controlled by criminals, I cannot think it is a mixture of BLM politics and compliance with the criminal overlords.

Former Oakland City Council President Ignacio De La Fuente says, his connections inside the police department tell him, Rudsdale school officials have a history of failing to protect students, and that Oakland Unified has not done enough either.
“If you remember, the school district used to have their own police, then OPD was serving some of the schools with campuses, they actually threw him out because they didn’t want uniformed police officers on their campuses, these things happen because we allow them to happen,” said De La Fuente.

The I-Team’s law enforcement sources tell us this is part of a disturbing pattern by officials at that school – a lack of cooperation with police, especially after one troubling incident just weeks ago.

“A kid was stabbed. He was bleeding. He was pistol-whipped. A gun was discovered at school. And yet the school district did nothing about it,” said BayTech parent Mario Juarez.


Cases of criminals in school like Trayvon Martin was not an exception. Hushed nutjobs like Nikolas Cruz in Parkland was not a once in a lifetime event. This a pattern of misbehavior by school officials to sell the fake idea they are educating kids in a safe environment. But reality is showing that the kids are being indoctrinated, groomed and even killed.

But we are the ones at fault because our guns.

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Reader Prompt: Death by the homeless

It seems like the gun haters just got to hate. The more they hate guns, the more the restrict people’s ability to defend themselves. The more people are made helpless the more criminals. The more criminals you have the more prisons and jails fill up causing “humanitarian crisis”

California is a a perfect storm of no ability to defend yourself plus a huge supply of criminals.

Add to that the homeless situation, often with mental illness thrown in (Thank you Ted Kennedy) and you end up with stories like the following.

A Deputy Probation Officer was beaten to death by a homeless man that broke into her home.

In my home if something were to shatter a sliding glass door our response would include having a firearm in hand. Heck, the scrabbles of a racoon on our porch got a 30-30 Winchester ’94 deployed.

This Law Enforcement Officer did not respond with a firearm in hand. Given the situation in California she might not have been allowed to have one. If she did have one the law calls for the gun to be “safely stored” and I believe it calls for the ammunition to be “safely stored” elsewhere.

I’m sure some of the firearms in my house are unloaded, don’t bet on it though.

So a homeless man was able to shatter her sliding glass door and then beat her to death.

He was in the process of raping her when he killed her. So he just finished with her body.

This asshole goes by “Sandro Bladimir Martinez-Marroquin” so I don’t think he is one of those nasty white extremist we keep hearing about. Those most violent of people, cis-white-males. Nope, he’s from one of the protect classes.

And the kicker? When arrested he had a shotgun.

Bets on him being an illegal alien that has been deported multiple times and has a long record?

Hero Down: Los Angeles County Deputy Probation Officer II Paula Lind Murdered During Home Invasion

H/T to pistoleer Z

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Stabbing in NYC on video

Another case to demonstrate why it’s so important the Bruen decision is enforced in New York.


I did by best to keep count and I believe he stabbed the EMS lieutenant 22 times.

The lieutenant was a 61-year-old woman and the attacker is a 34-year-old man.

That is not in anyway an evenly matched fight.

Knives have no magazine capacity and can inflict damage as long as the attacker is willing to keep using it.  Stabbing her 22 times probably turned her into something like ground meat.

Got created all men and women, Sam Colt made them equal.

Bruen needs to be enforced to make 61-year-old women equal to a 34-year-old man with a knife.



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Aleatory Ruminations for 9/30/2022

I have to start with this:

Netflix released a movie about Jeffery Dahmer and tagged it in the LGQBTRDSLJ (etc) category. Cries of foul from that community ensued and the company memory-holed the tag becase we all know only the straight are bad criminals and only beautiful peaceful and artistic people are found in the LGQBTRDSLJ (etc) universe. That reminded me of this clip from HBO’s Citizen X (1:52 in case it does not cue):

The beauty of dogma with power.

Let’s see how many New Yorkers move back to the Big Apple. If they don’t, it means they rathe face hurricanes that the Democrat shitstorm they escaped.


I would not be surprised if it happens.


And if you have been married any length of time, you know.


And in closing for today, just some fun stuff.



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Friday Feedback

Hope you all had a good week. For our readers in Florida I hope you weathered the storm safely and if there was any loss it was minor.

Friends in the area are reporting that they are all ok. One friend reported that there was significant water leakage which caused part of his dining room ceiling to come down. That’s the extent of it.

Things that go bump in the night, that aren’t human.

It’s 2300 or 0300 and the wife says “There’s something out there!” and you have to go out to confront it, assuming you know it isn’t a human (nor a monster), what do you grab?

I’m glad I didn’t grab the Merlin in 45-70.

Thinking about the size and danger and downrange considerations, what is your go to?

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