Watching the aftermath of Hurricane Ian. (Update: Video of the surge)

I hate the hyperbolic Media coverage of the hurricane, I am “suspended” from Facebook (probably killed for good this time) and Twitter is full of its usual shit (apparently DeSantis sucks because power has not been restored instantly and he exhales carbon dioxide which created the hurricane for his nefarious political purposes.)

Applying “my” concept of reading the original text rather than accepting what I am being told by a third party, I checked on Live Storms Media – YouTube. They simply record video for reselling purposes and their own. They don’t comment so you get to pay attention to the images rather than process anything else.

One thing I noticed was that apparently the Florida Hurricane Building Codes do work by the amazing number of homes and building that have their roofs and windows intact or with very little damage.

The storm surge however was a frigging house killer. That is why I believe we see empty spaces where houses used to be surrounded by mud/sand washed from the gulf.  It will be interesting to know how many were old construction codes and how many were “newer.”

The combined forces of water and wind were simply too much. And other than “Don’t build your house on barrier islands” I have no idea what kind of building code could help in the future. House on stilts?

Anyway, do visit the Live Storms Media channel and get your info first hand.

UPDATE: Just found this video.


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I said the Remington Sandy Hood settlement was a bad idea

Smith & Wesson sued over advertising by Highland Park victims

Gunmaker Smith & Wesson is among those named in new lawsuits filed by the legal arms of Everytown for Gun Safety and Brady (along with several other law firms) on behalf of some of the victims and family members of those killed in the July 4th shooting in Highland Park, Illinois, along with the shooter himself, his father, and the Illinois gun store that sold the Smith & Wesson rifle to the suspect.

The lawsuit accuses Smith & Wesson of using its advertising and marketing to target “troubled” young men like the 21-year old accused of the attack on the Independence Day parade in the Chicago suburb, though the evidence provided by the gun control groups is pretty uncompelling.

This is the same bullshit used to get around the PLCAA by the Sandy Hook parents.

This is the new frontier of lawfare against gun companies.

It doesn’t matter what the shooters motivation actually was or what the ad actually said, they will judge shop until they find a judge who will allow this bullshit to proceed.

Because Remington settled it opened the door to this.

Now everyone will pay the price.

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Ol’ Joe has his mouth open, he’s lying.

Having gotten to the point where listening to Joe just makes my blood pressure go through the roof, hearing him spout off about guns just drives me nuts.

His advise as VP of “Just step on to the balcony and fire off two rounds from your shotgun.” was horrible advise. But of course he was thinking of his $2000 double barrel shotgun which he’s shot 4 times. He certainly wasn’t thinking of a “shockwave” or even a tactical shotgun.

Or his great advice of “Just shoot through the door with your shotgun.”

So him talking about 9mm blowing lungs out and every other statement he has made about guns in the last 20 years is just wrong.

J.D. Tuccille has a great article over at Reason that is worth the click.
President Biden Lies About Guns. Again.

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And the Collateral Stupid Come Out with Hurricane Ian.

By his username profile, he seems to be in Connecticut.

First, the image itself: Staged Linemen are the norm not only in Florida but anywhere a natural disaster is upcoming. There was a staging area nearby where I used to live and almost next door to Dolphin stadium and it never ceased to amaze me the size of preparations. It is not only men and trucks but lines, poles, transformers, etc.

And as for the idiot: All power companies from different states have deals among themselves to assist each other in case of natural emergencies. They are paid by FEMA or State emergency resources and paid very well because they earn every frigging penny on a miserable job. Personally, I saw them work from 6:30 and not get back to their lodging till 10:30 to 11: pm for a shower, supper and a drink before crashing in bed.

The idea that a miserable jackass from the northeast moans about his pitiful money being used to pay for their work is sadly laughable. I am sure his monthly bill would not cover one hour of work for a crew doing disaster work.



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Another case for Bruen enforcement in NYC


Woman savagely beaten in Queens subway station describes the pain, trauma

The suspect, 41-year-old Waheed Foster, is now charged with felony assault.

In 1995, law enforcement sources say Foster was arrested for murdering his 82-year-old foster grandmother in a brutal beating at the age of 14. Six years later, he was arrested for stabbing his 21-year-old sister with a screwdriver. Then in 2010, he was arrested for attacking three workers at the Creedmore Psychiatric Center, where he was an inpatient. He was on parole until November 2024 at the time of last week’s attack.

Gomes says there were no police officers anywhere in the station. She said there was no one to prevent the attack and no one on the scene to respond to it.

“Every day is an incident in the subway,” she said. “What happened to all these police officer they said they will have there to protect us? There’s like nobody to be found. I don’t understand.”

Multiple violent crimes including murder but he’s out free to do it again.

A good Samaritan tried to or at least wanted to help but was chased off by Foster.

And, of course, there were no cops.

This is why concealed carry is important.

It empowers people like this woman or the man who wanted to help her against a violent attacker with a history of hurting people.

But it is crystal clear that the governor abd mayor of New York and New York City want to protect criminals from their victims.

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