When assholes collide.

They eat their own and puke it right back.

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When they threaten your life, take it seriously.


Unfortunately, that is in NYC where you are not only not allowed to carry the proper tools for self-defense but you will face “Justice” if you actually have to take action.

Time to migrate to places where the response to that is:

And then hope they are stupid enough to follow you.

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AR9 drama continued.

So after taking in all the advice from the faithful readers, I think I am going to go with getting an upper that will work with the Spikes’ Tactical lower and move the barrel and the rest of the stuff from the Kaw Valley upper to this one.

9mm Upper Receiver (spikestactical.com)

I consulted with Spike’s and confirmed that comes with the necessary relief for the lower.  Next thing, raise the funds.

Anybody interested in a Kaw Valley Precision stripped upper?

The things I do for the missus.

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This seems like BS

From The Daily Mail:

Rep. Ilhan Omar’s daughter Isra Hirsi, 21, says she is now homeless and starving after being suspended from college over anti-Israel protests at Columbia University which saw her zip-tied for seven hours

Isra Hirsi, the daughter of left-wing Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, says she’s has nowhere to live or eat after being suspended for participating in anti-Israel protests at Columbia University.

She and two of her Barnard College classmates – the college is a sister school with Columbia – are among the more than 100 protestors have been arrested, an NYPD spokesperson confirmed to DailyMail.com.

‘I don’t know when I can go home, and I don’t know if I ever will be able to.’

She said the administration at Barnard College has hung her out to dry when it comes to being able to get food.

‘I sent them an email like, “Hey, I rely on campus for my meals, I rely on my dining plan,” and they were like, Oh, you can come pick up a prepackaged bag of food, a full 48 hours after I was suspended,’ she said.

‘There was no food support, no nothing.’

That’s bullshit.

She’s the daughter of a United States Congresswoman who funneled nearly $3 million to her husband’s firm from her reelection campaign.

I doubt she’s starving. If she is, it’s just for show.

I’m not going to show any empathy for the Jew-hating daughter of a Jew-hating Congresswoman who pocketed millions in campaign funds.



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The Dressmaker

I had an interesting talk with AWA the other day about dressmaking. Why, you ask, were we talking about dressmaking? Well, I was discussing the process of making my 18th century kit for the upcoming season at a local living history museum, which I am a part of. I had to order a pattern for a short gown that I’m making, because my skill level isn’t high enough to fake it for this type of garment. The pattern is somewhat complex, and based off an extant short gown that was disassembled a number of years ago and resides in a museum (in Boston, if I remember correctly, but I’m guessing).

AWA wanted to know why the pattern was considered so complex. After all, garments at the time really weren’t all that fancy, at least for working class women like myself. I explained that, in the 18th century in America (and likely in Europe, though I haven’t looked into it), there were no patterns. Women would simply sew their own clothing. Most women, even of the poorer sort, would have hired a mantua-maker, or dressmaker, to make an outfit for them, from which other items might be sized. A mantua-maker was a traveling dressmaker, who specialized in working with your body in particular. If you’re interested in seeing the process in action, there’s a great video on YouTube. Basically, she would drape your fabric over you, sketch out the pattern pieces for your body, cut them, and then sew them. Sometimes the customer would help with the sewing, and sometimes she’d just pay for the mantua-maker to do it.

The skill level required to draft a dress for someone with nothing more than draping fabric and chalk is huge. This goes back to my article on words, and how the meaning of them changes over time. At one time, someone who could make a dress, a mantua-maker, was considered a highly skilled, sought after person. They were well paid, well trained, and knowledgeable. Today, we say “dressmaker” as if the person is doing something quaint. People don’t make their own clothing, and those of us who do are looked at oddly. We’re just dressmakers, or seamstresses. We’re not considered skilled workmen.

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It’s still mob violence even if you’re polite

From our university campuses.


This is still mob violence.

Their words are polite.

Their chant sounds like they are making reasonable demands about privacy and how they are the aggrieved victims.

But all of that is camouflage for the fact that what they are doing is mob violence.

They have linked arms and are attempting to use their bodies like a human bulldozer to force other people out of an area they have a lawful right to be in.

They are threatening people with for and are initiating physical contact.

They are the instigators of violence.

This needs to be recognized as such, both in the popular culture and in the law.

These people cannot be allowed to harm others and get away with it because they were polite at the time.

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