I hope this is just bluster – Update: they are unhinged


So the plan is to manipulate the entire system to get the outcome they want which is essentially elimating the Second and Fourth Amendments.

That’s a lot of totalitarian in one clip.

Next we see Eric “Honeypot” Swalwell going on a batshit rant:


Fuck you dude!

This is the zenith of unhinged emotional manipulation.

“If you don’t support our gun confiscation you support the killer.”

Fuck you, twice!

There is no reasonability here.

They are actively maligning us as supported of mass shootings while telling us they will destroy our checks and balances to get what they want.

This is absolutely the end of civil society.

We are done.  There is no coming back from this.

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Where did I put that?

There comes a time when you look at the world and decide you want to hide something. Where you hide it depends a lot on what you are hiding and when you think you will need access to.

It also depends on who you are hiding it from.

Every parent when I was a kid knew that they checked under the mattress for hidden things and on the top shelves of closets. As a 12yo I knew every hiding place in the house where my parents could hide Christmas presents.

And yeah, I did move the dresser from in front of the “unused” closet under the eves in order to peek in and see all the loot that would be mine on Christmas day.

For an even better and sicking look, watch the scene in Schindler’s List to see the German solders searching the ghetto for Jews that stayed behind in hiding. What you didn’t see and likely didn’t know was that the German’s had cleared that particular ghetto multiple times. They already knew all the hiding places.

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The Woke sabotage of America and the loss of the Hypersonics Race

America was once a great country with a great government that loved this country.

When the Russians put a satellite into orbit before we did, it lit a fire under out ass.

President Kennedy famously said: “We choose to go to the Moon.  We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.”

And we did and we won the Space Race.

The newest race is the Hypersonics Race.

It’s every bit as important as the Space Race and Nuclear Arms Race of the Cold War.

And we fucking lost it.


We just had a first successful test of the ARRW (pronounced “arrow”) and the Chinese have field capable hypersonic intercontinental missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, and anti-hypersonic missile defenses.


Because our DOD was more interested in Woke horseshit.


Yeah, we’re singing “queers in space” and they are perfecting nuking us at 10 times the speed of sound.

Our government is actively sabotaging our national security and dignity for reasons I cannot fathom.

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Women in Seattle need to carry guns, Seattle decriminalized rape

Seattle police stopped investigating new adult sexual assaults this year, memo shows

Seattle police’s sexual assault and child abuse unit staff has been so depleted that it stopped assigning to detectives this year new cases with adult victims, according to an internal memo sent to interim police Chief Adrian Diaz in April.

The unit’s sergeant put her staffing crisis in stark terms.

“The community expects our agency to respond to reports of sexual violence,” Sgt. Pamela St. John wrote, “and at current staffing levels that objective is unattainable.”

Now the department’s lack of attention to its sexual assault unit is threatening the viability of cases, as delayed investigations and evidence collection possibly hinder their outcomes.

In the memo, St. John went on to say that she was not “able to assign adult sexual assault cases” that came into her unit. Cases involving children and adult cases that had a suspect in custody — a fraction of adult sexual assaults reported to police — were being prioritized. The unit just had too few detectives.

This is the same thing we’ve seen in California with property crime.

Too few cops unable to investigating crime that doesn’t get prosecuted ends up as de facto decriminalization.

We’ve all seen the videos of looting in San Francisco and Los Angeles stores.

Rape is about to explode off the charts in Seattle because there will be no arrests and prosecutions of rapists.

Ladies, you are on your own.  The cops will not help you.

Get a Washington Concealed Pistol License and carry.

I’ll say it again: it’s difficult for a rapist to maintain an erection while suffering from hypovolemic shock.


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Uvalde Cops following the Broward Sheriff’s Office post-shooting Script: CYA. Lie, Lie, Lie.

“She saw the [car] wreck,” [Don] Flanary said. “She ran back inside to get her phone to report the accident. She came back out while on the phone with 911. The men at the funeral home yelled, ‘He has a gun!’ She saw him jump the fence, and he had a gun so she ran back inside.

“She kicked the rock away when she went back in. She remembers pulling the door closed while telling 911 that he was shooting. She thought the door would lock because that door is always supposed to be locked.”…

A law enforcement source familiar with the investigation said surveillance video and audio verifies the employee removed the rock holding the door open and closed it.

“She slammed it shut,” said the source, who requested anonymity because the source does not have authority to speak with the media.

Cops wrong again: Uvalde teacher says she didn’t prop open door that shooter used to enter; Update: Cops no longer cooperating? – HotAir

I really don’t know what else can go wrong for the LEOs in Uvalde. One of the most basic principles in life is not to compound a monumental screw up with an avalanche of smaller screw ups. If you made a mistake, admit it, absorb the punishment, learn the lessons and offer a better service. You can only lie if you have a solid backing from the Media and in case you have not noticed, Police Officers have been hated for a long time now by the Lefty Journos who unashamedly support BLM and ACAB movements.

I would ask how bad this thing can get, but I am afraid of the answers that will come.



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Everything old is new again in Gun Control: We Must Have Ammunition Restrictions, ZOMG!

The old “arsenal laws” were dusted and the “ease” ammunition sales and availability is back.

When an 18-year-old shooter arrived last week at Robb Elementary School, in Uvalde, Texas — where he ultimately killed 21 people, including 19 children and two teachers — he carried 1,657 rounds of ammunition, authorities said.

The large number of rounds should not come as a surprise, experts told ABC News. The tragedy drew renewed scrutiny to a collection of state and national laws that regulate ammunition less tightly than firearms, despite the vital role played by ammunition in mass shootings, experts said.

A shooter at a Las Vegas music festival, in 2017, who killed 59, had at least 1,600 rounds. A shooter at an elementary school in Sandy Hook, Connecticut, in 2012, who killed 27, had more than 1,700 rounds of ammunition at his home. And a shooter at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, also in 2012, who killed 12, had bought more than 6,000 rounds, officials said.

‘Feckless’ ammunition laws under scrutiny following Uvalde, other mass shootings – ABC News (go.com)

How do you tell these nannies without them having a collective stroke that US Citizens outmatches the government in ammunition quantities at least seven to one and in the billions? How do you tell them that anybody who is serious about shooting buys the ammo by the case and not by the box at retail unless that is the only way you can lay your hands on it because of the shortage of everybody buying in bulk?

And do not even bring the issue of “unregistered ammunition manufacturing” (also known as reloading your own ammunition) or you will send them straight into spitting foam and screaming at the mindless night.

And don’t tell them that because of articles like this, we buy even more ammunition “just in case.” What’s the case? Oh well…


Hat tip MarcC

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