And, of course, we do not have a problem at the border.

A man wanted since the death of a 22-year-old on Christmas morning was captured while trying to cross the border into the United States.

Metro Nashville Police said 25-year-old Darwin Perez-Castellanos was detained while crossing into the country. While he was in custody, U.S. border patrol agents learned there was a warrant for his arrest in connection with the death of Edil Hernandez.

Hernandez was shot to death while driving near the 4500 block of Nolensville Pike about 3:20 a.m. Christmas morning, police said in December.


U.S Border Patrol agents detain man wanted after Christmas killing (

So, we had an illegal alien who murdered somebody walking out and in the country like he was at Publix for some tater salad. Now imagine the thousands of criminals that have gone unchecked and unbothered so far during this administration.

But I am the problem.

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The Biden Administration is 100% malicious


Let us compare two topics.

Biden says he feels your pain about how much gas and food costs, and how he’s trying to help relieve that pressure.

But every single policy he implements raises gas and food prices.

All he needs to do is turn on US drilling and refining but he absolutely will not do that.


He bemoans the children killed in Texas.

He could harden the schools.

Yes, we need to address the cultural rot that produces school shooters, but hardening schools will be an immediate and positive impact.

Biden will not do that.

Instead he’s going to waste money and effort going after guns which will do absolutely nothing to stop school shootings.

He avoids the solutions that will actually fix problems to push an agenda that exacerbates problems.  Not on one topic but on all topics.

The only logical conclusion is that he is 100% malicious against the American people.

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Ubalde PD: CYA mode engaged.

The Uvalde Police Department and the Uvalde Independent School District police force are no longer cooperating with the Texas Department of Public Safety’s investigation into the massacre at Robb Elementary School and the state’s review of the law enforcement response, multiple law enforcement sources tell ABC News.

Uvalde police, school district no longer cooperating with Texas probe of shooting: Sources – ABC News (

And in the words of LawDog “Well … that’s what we finely-trained (albeit retired) Law Enforcement types call “a clue”.”

Also, it is not helping when a video surfaced of the LEOs knowing that kids were still being shot while they posted outside.

WATCH: Shocking Video Confirms Police Knew Kids Were Alive In The Uvalde School During Horrific Massacre (

Hat Tip D-Sinner

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Tomorrow starts the holiest month of the Leftist calendar

Tomorrow is June 1st, or as it is known in Leftist circles, the first day of Pride Month.

Let us be clear, Leftism is a religion.

Pride Month is to the Leftist was Ramadan or Lent is to Muslims and Christians.  It is a month long religious holiday.

Consider that company after company and government agency after government agency will decorate with Pride flags, host Pride events, and will make everything they can brand rainbow color.

Companies used to do this for Christmas, but that’s fallen out of favor.  Pride month has taken its place.

The most significant evidence that it is a religious holiday is that Pride is supposed to be about civil rights for roughly 4% of the population but is absolutely celebrated and pushed by nearly every corporation and government entity, disproportionate to the actual number of people who should be represented.

What I honestly want is for Pride to be challenged along First Amendment grounds.

The same argument that the Left used to drive prayer out of schools should be used to drive Pride out of schools.  Their secular religion shouldn’t be forced on people, especially children.

I have a religion, I refuse to practice theirs.

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A tale of three Senators…

It is 0900 on Tusday after Memorial day. There has been lots of talk about Congress looking to create new infringement laws. I decide to contact my Senators to voice my position and stance.

First I call the DC numbers for both. I’m given an option of leaving a message for my Senator. Nothing else.

I then call the office of my Senator here in my home state. A staffer answers, I give him my name and city of residence. This establishes me as somebody that is represented by my Senator. I request to make an appointment.

The staffer says “Tell me more about your concern and I’ll make sure they get your comments.” Now this is a blow off. So I again ask “How do I make an appointment to speak to my Senator?” Staffer again refuses to answer. This goes back and forth a half dozen times. He won’t tell me how to make an appointment. Keeps demanding to know what I want to speak about. “Her support of infringing on the rights of US citizens” isn’t good enough.

In the end he ends the conversation. In the course of the conversation I learned that I would have to tell an anonymous staffer what my concerns were. He would pass it to a staffer who would decide if they would pass my request to the schedulers who might then contact me to make an appointment.

So I called Ted Cruz’s office. He’s not my Senator. There is a message that Ted recorded, given multiple options including “Press zero to talk to somebody on my staff.” That staffer was unable to help me get an appointment with my Senator but explained how it worked for Ted. I had a pleasant conversation, said thank you. Told him I wished that Ted was my Senator, then corrected that to “I wish my Senator was more like Ted.”

Using the suggestion from Ted’s office, I went to my other Senator’s webpage and put in a request for an appointment with my other Senator. I’ll wait to see if I get an appointment.

In the mean time, I’m writing a letter to send to my Senator’s and Representative.

In terms of how much weight a political representative puts on any communications, they are ranked:

  1. Comment on Social Media
  2. Directed Tweet or other bulk comment
  3. E-mail
  4. Phone call
  5. Typed/printed letter
  6. Hand written letter
  7. In person conversation

I’ve normally opted for making a phone call. I’ve attempted to get an in person conversation with my Senators. I’ve written a letter which I will print and send out later today.

Report your attempted contacts or contacts in the comments below. Let us know how well you did in communicating with your Senator or Representatives and what sort of response you get.

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