How a man reacts when he has skin in the game

Hero cop rushed to Texas massacre school from barber’s with shotgun to rescue 20 kids including his daughter, eight, after wife who teaches there texted him saying: ‘There’s an active shooter. Help’

An off-duty border patrol agent has told how he evacuated children including his own eight-year-old daughter from Robb Elementary School, armed with a shotgun he had grabbed from his barber’s as he left to dash to the site.

Jacob Albarado, a father of three, received a text message from his wife Trisha – a fourth grade math and science teacher at the school – when he was in the barber’s chair.

‘There’s an active shooter,’ she said. ‘Help. I love you.’

Albarado leapt up and grabbed a shotgun the barber lent him, and rushed to the school.

Albarado then led his colleagues to evacuate as many children and teachers as possible, including his own daughter.

‘I’m looking for my daughter, but I also know what wing she’s in,’ he said.

‘So I start clearing all the classes in her wing.’

A madman threatened his daughter.  He borrowed a shotgun and went to fucking work.

I’m pretty sure being a cop was ancillary.  A madman was threatening his little girl.

The cops who didn’t have kids stood around in full tactical gear with their thumbs up their asses.

The cop with his kid in trouble borrowed a stranger’s scattercannon and ran towards danger in a t-shirt.

The biggest shame of this entire catastrophe was the police barring the parents from entering the school.

Fuck the cops, just let dads with guns respond.

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Rob Pincus excuses the Uvalde Cops.

Yesterday, I spent a lot of time trying to get people to understand that “just because there was a delay, it wasn’t automatically wrong”. There are times when not going in is the right thing to do.

Uvalde was NOT one of those times

There is also no way to automatically say “if they didn’t go in, they were cowards!”.

Do please tell me what is the explanation for cops to stand around while children are being murdered.

I felt pretty strongly that without more information, we couldn’t jump to any real conclusion and that, If we waited, we’d get the info. Now we have it.

And none of it favors the Uvalde Cops

-It wasn’t scared cops hiding outside (like we saw in Parkland).

I guess they were waiting for the manicure to dry?

-It wasn’t a lack of awareness of proper tactics (like we had in Columbine).

There were NO established tactics for active shooters implemented prior to Columbine. They came after that awful lesson.

This appears to be a bad call by the on-scene commander who, for whatever reason, thought that he should employ “barricaded subject” tactics instead of “active shooter” tactics. At least that’s the official report.

They chose a scapegoat already? Everybody else skates free I guess.

I find it hard to understand, however, how ANY of the cops on the scene could have interpreted the situation that way if, in fact, there were still shots being fired inside the school at the time that call was made.

They were obeying orders because the on-scene commander declared “barricaded suspect.” And no, that is not a fucking excuse, they should have said “Fuck you” and go in anyway like the Border Patrol Agent who eventually took out the Asshole Shooter Salvador Ramos currently roasting in Hell.

It also appears that, before that call was made, one or more officers CHOSE not to follow the threat they were engaged with into the building. THAT is a horrible violation of tactics and duty that I don’t understand. (Like we had at the Pulse Nightclub)

Maybe they got lost or had to go pee or it was their lunch break. It could not be cowardice, right?

It seems that if they had, one of three things would’ve been different:
1. They could’ve stopped the shooter from barricading.
2. They could’ve stopped the shooter.
3. They could’ve been physically incapacitated.

No fucking shit, Sherlock.

In the case of #1 or #3, it is likely that the commander, knowing officers were in the building would have been less likely to make the mistaken call.

Or like in Pulse, they would have been ordered OUT of the building too.

Again, I think we’re going to learn more over time that will give us more and/or better answers. And, as always, we will learn from the incident and be better prepared in the future.

Not from you, that is sure.


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Uvalde massacre was the result of layers of f*ck-ups

This is an epic disaster.  Layers of disaster and fuck-ups.

A teacher left a locked door propped open.

The SRO was not on campus.

The SRO responded to the 911 call and drove past the gunman because he was hiding behind his truck.

A gaggle of Uvalde police officers got shot at and retreated and stood around in a hallway with their dicks in their hands and their thumbs up their asses waiting for BORTAC to arrive and to get the keys to the classroom.

It took over an hour from the 911 call to actually putting lead into shooter.

After Columbine we knew the only way to address an active shooter was to immediately find him and kill him.

That was reinforced during Parkland.

Aging in Uvalde that was ignored and there were casualties because of it.

This is absolutely unacceptable.

When the report comes in of “shots fired at a school,” it should be a race among the officers to be the first one to kill the shooter.

Instead, we got another LEO circle jerk while kids died.

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Daniel Defense pulls out of the NRA. Lack of backbone cited as cause.

Georgia gun maker Daniel Defense has withdrawn from the NRA Annual Meeting that kicks off in Houston, Texas tomorrow after investigators revealed that the rifle used by the 18-year old murderer in his attack on a classroom at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas came from the company.

Daniel Defense pulls out of NRA convention – Bearing Arms

Goody! You feel “guilty” about what some asshole allegedly did with one of your products. Fake Remorse ain’t going to help you with the incoming lawsuit. If you are thinking about the bottom line, not showing your customers you have the balls to stand tall even when shit is being flung at you is even worse.

Enjoy writing those compensation checks.

Hat tip MannyL.


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No AK factory for Venezuela

This idea of manufacturing AK rifles in Venezuela goes back to 2006 when Chavez was still alive and well on his way to screw up the country. I confess I had not paid attention since then, even though Venezuela did have back then a pool of specialized and trained people to manufacture quality weapons (mostly all variants of the FAL and Hi Power pistols).

They are not very specific of the reasons why the deal fell through, but the excuses are the US sanctions against Russia and that the former head of Kalashnikov was sent to prison for corruption. Both excuses sound like BS to me but who gives a damn other than Venezuela will not be able to get income selling weapons to South American cartels and other nefarious actors in South America.

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