Easter Sunday: Be careful


Between the Pro-Hamas Terrorist Cheerleaders, standard assholes and the White House making today a “Trans Day of Visibility,” you may expect being targeted at your church.

Suffer no fools.

Remind them (gently at first) that Christ resurrected today, but they most certainly will not have that choice if the screw with you or your family.

Carry if you can and if you cannot…

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:20


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Climate Warriors or the cult of stupid.

They are pouring car oil on an electric truck.


They are the idiots of Extinction Rebellion, the ones we have seen in UK and other places in Europe sitting on streets and gluing themselves to the pavement. They are fully here now.

This should be fun.


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Notice to Illegal Venezuelans

Dear “Panas” (Buddies): Please remember you are no longer in Venezuela. There is not one law covering the US, but every state has its own variation of laws that makes them unique. And while in California or New York you could get away with “invading” somebody’s property and the claiming it as yours, in Texas, Florida, Tennessee and other states, you can get shot for your stupid ignorance of how shit goes here and paying attention at some idiot in Instagram telling you to squat.

Para resumir (To summarize): You invade, we shoot.

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Lara v. PA, Krause dissenting

Legal Court Dunce
Judge Krause beclowns himself in his written dissent. He should have kept his mouth shut so people only thought him a foold. Instead, he chose to write his opinion, removing all doubt.
(2000 words)

When they ratified the Second Amendment, our Founders did not intend to bind the nation in a straitjacket of 18th-century legislation, nor did they mean to prevent future generations from protecting themselves against gun violence more rampant and destructive than the Founders could have possibly imagined. At a minimum, one would think that the states’ understanding of the Second Amendment at the time of the “Second Founding”—the moment in 1868 when they incorporated the Bill of Rights against themselves—is part of “the Nation’s historical tradition of firearms regulation” informing the constitutionality of modern-day regulations.
No. 87 Madison Lara v. Commissioner PA State Police, No. 21-1832, slip op. at 1 (3d Cir.) Krause, dissenting

The Third Circuit court declined to rehear Lara en banc. This left the merit panel’s opinion that 18, 19, and 20-year-olds are part of the people and their rights shall not be infringed.

Six of the 14 judges would have granted the rehearing. Judge Krause decided to beclown himself with a written dissent.

When The People ratified the Bill of Rights, they did not intend to bind the nation in a straightjacket. They intended to bind the government in a straightjacket.

Our constitution is unusual in that it is built around limiting the government as much as possible, while reserving for the state and the people as much power as they can retain.

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. is some of the strongest language in the constitution. It is a straightjacket, binding the government. The government has succeeded in escaping that straightjacket. We are fighting to get it back into that straightjacket.

The Supreme Court, has stated many times, that the meaning of the plain text of the constitution is set when it was adopted and the meaning of the plain text of the amendments is set when the amendment is ratified.
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You wanna play that game? Fine.


Refuse to show ID? I would call the local constables and inform that armed men claiming to be FBI are in front of my house harassing me. Make sure I give them make model and license tag of the vehicle in case the “FBI” leaves before cops arrive. Then go back in the house and wait for the fun to begin.

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Friday Feedback

There have been some “interesting” developments in the Circuit Courts.

Out in the Ninth Circuit court, we are starting to see a game where three judge merit panels are placing 2A cases in limbo, pending the outcome of the Duncan v. Bonta en banc opinion. This is just a delay tactic. It is transparent and not just a nasty game.

The rogue judges on the Ninth Circuit will do anything to stop from ruling in favor of The People.

On the other side of the country, the Third Circuit court refused to hear Lara v. Evanchick en banc. The district court found that the state could infringe on the rights of 18, 19, and 20-year-olds. The merits panel of the Third Circuit reversed and remanded the case back to the district court.

The state appealed for a rehearing, en banc. That rehearing was denied. This is a win for us.

There are still a number of 2A cases seeking cert before the Supreme Court. I’ll continue to monitor to see what happens.

The state has been arguing for two steps in doing Second Amendment challenges. The first is forcing the plaintiffs to “prove” that the Second Amendment is implicated. This is being called into question by the good guys. The arguments from the Second Amendment advocates are getting stronger and more on point regarding rogue inferior courts.

Lawfare is alive and well out in Chicago. New Jersey’s AG penned a letter to Glock signed by the standard evil AG’s demanding that Glock be prepared to be sued into oblivion. Plenty of trade secrets and other things that are sure to “leak” once the state has finished discovery.

I’m dealing with the arsehole neighbor. I had to go measure everything to make sure that the test range was far enough away from the neighbor’s house. It is. He just doesn’t like the sound of gun fire and is doing the “shots fired” through 911. Had to deal with cops.

“I don’t answer questions”. Then the cop lied about the RSA. I now have a copy on hand, just in case.

I’m slowly making my way through —No. 87 Madison Lara v. Commissioner PA State Police, No. 21-1832, slip op. at 1 (3d Cir.). It is a good history of Miller. Grist for the Mill.

Of the cases discussed in the blog, do you have any questions? Are there any subjects I should expand on?

Have a fantastic weekend, all. The comments are open.

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