Although I will admit that money was a consideration, I did not feel this time around the urge/need of getting more ammo.  I know, you can’t ever say I have enough ammunition, but there was not that feeling of “nakedness” so I let other partake in the frenzy.

One item I did find I could use some more was propellant for my reloads. I think I will invest on a couple of four pound kegs for the “stockpile.”

How about yourselves?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Pandemic Warning”
  1. I had the same thought on 3/25 but it seems so did a lot of reloaders. I was able to order only 2 pounds ea of Vihtavuori N530, and N140 they arrive 4/06. I have a wide range of acceptable powders and I couldn’t find any of the normal suspects. Good luck with your search.

  2. I just have to be careful with connecting brass. At the indoor range I lose about 25% to 45% of my brass to aggressive sweeping or the brass landing it off reach.

    The range sells the recovered brass.

    For now I’ll make sure that when I shoot I recover 100%.

    I had already made some safety purchases in November, December and January. Worse case I’ll need to pick up a dead battery or three.

    Of course I’m lusting over a five stage progressive over the four stage turret I currently use.

  3. I’m decently comfortable but did buy some more for the guns I expect to loan to family. Hard case with gear for the hardwear and an ammo can full of boxed ammo and mags/pouches as the case may be.

    I never really sell firearms so just end up with em like Carter has little liver pills.

  4. There was this moment when I realized I was creating care packages for people I trust that were in need. Rifle/carbine+pistol +ammo for both in a case.

    What the heck is wrong with us that we can create a care package like this and our only concern is “What’s going in the next care package?”

  5. One of the things I really like about some of the old Russian and Chinese stuff is that it came in spam cans. 7.62x54r comes in a spam can of 440 rounds or a crate with two spam cans and a can opener.

    7.62×39 comes in spam cans also.

    But as far as I can tell the US never went down that path. Ammo comes boxed in fiberboard boxes in ammo cans, or on stripper clips in fiberboard sleeves in ammo cans.

    The US just loves its ammo cans.

    But you really don’t want to do long term storage in ammo cans. I.e. greater than 30 years.

    But somebody pointed them out to me and I did pick up some are something called “Battle Packs” They come with 200 rounds of 5.56×45 in 10 20 round boxes per pack. They have a nice grip and are made of the same sort of plastic that MREs come in.

    Very nice for a care package:
    * Rifle + 4 magazines, loaded
    * One battle pack
    * Pistol + extra magazine
    * 4 boxes of 50 rounds each.

    When things are returned the battle pack is normally unopened and just goes back into stores. If they used up a mag in practice it isn’t a big deal.

    Now I want to find a good way to do long term storage of pistol ammo.

  6. I have not been in the market for any new guns for a while. The only ones I’m interested in are owned by an older neighbor of mine who won’t sell them to me. He will let me take them to go shooting, I’ve been doing that for 2 years and I’ve probably shot some of his guns more than he has in 30. I have a fair amount of ammunition. I’ll just shoot less. pretty easy to do since all the ranges are closed. I really do need a case of 5.56 though. I’ve been buying .270 Winchester instead because I need to stock up on that caliber; I avoid buying it since it cost’s $1.10-$1.50 a pop and I only use it to hunt which I don’t do that often. But really I’ve been buying AR parts. Bought Some USGI magazines (not a massive amount, I still believe in leaving some for the other guy) a spare bolt, extractor kit, firing pin and if I don’t get laid off I’ll buy a whole spare barrel. And if I think of any parts or accessories I just need to get because I’ve been holding off I’ll probably get it.

  7. I have discovered that primers and powder need either flexibility or willingness to spend. When I went to Sportsman’s the 100 packs of primers were sold out but 1000 packs were on the shelf. Opposite with powder, still had 1 lb cans but popular stuff was sold out so my .308 and .223 loads will use IMR 4166 instead of Varget.

  8. More ammo and components is always good but I’m more concerned with accessory equipment, cheifly optics and armor.

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