Texas, New Mexico, Biden just fucked every Democrat in a state where drilling and fracking is a major employer or contributor to the economy.

You’re gonna see Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Colorado on this list soon too.

“You voted for Biden in November and got fired in March because of his executive order” is causing some serious buyers remorse.

The next few years will suck something fierce but are going to redpill the shit out of people.

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By J. Kb

15 thoughts on “PANIC! At the pumpjack”
  1. This COULD be the wake up call for the idiots who drank the koolaide. Maybe. Meanwhile we will keep luving our life as Trumpy intended….

    1. Problem is, there aren’t really any “idiots who drank the Kool-ade.” Based on every single election predictor, Trump won in a landslide. The only reason he didn’t win in a landslide is because the Democrats paused voting in the 4 most critical states, dropped of crate loads of fraudulent ballots overnight, and then had the judicial branch run interference long enough for them to run out the clock on inauguration and bribe enough of the legislature to secure the win.

      We can’t vote our way out of this one. The people who count the votes will make sure of that.

      1. “We can’t vote our way out of this one.”
        Box 1: Done for.
        Box 2: Done for.
        Box 3: No signs of life. Done for?
        Box 4: I hate to think of it… inevitable?

  2. And… nothing will change.

    It will be blamed on the Republicans. The Democrats will continue to vote against their best interests.

    Wash, rinse, repeat.

    1. Won’t get past the liberal lawyers that have infected the judicial system.

      The Chair of our local assembly has a recall petition against him for clear violations of city rules. Documented, on video, during public Assembly meetings. I have about zero confidence the city attorney will declare the petition valid, and allow the recall to go to the voters. I am sure there will be some technicality that gets it dismissed.

      If 5% of them actually have to face a recall challenge, I would be surprised.

  3. Could be part of the plan:
    1) Have old Joe sign all the nasty, unpopular stuff
    2) Suddenly notice that he’s senile, and needs to step down for medical reasons
    3) Have Kamela reverse some of the most unpopular decisions to great fanfare.
    4) Pretend everything is fine

  4. When Biden wasn’t campaigning, I wondered why. The only answer that made sense was, “Biden knows it won’t matter. He is obviously sure he will win, or sure he will lose, and doesn’t think anything he does will affect the outcome.”

    Then I noticed the blatant, in your face shenanigans in the election, my thought was, “Why are they doing this?” The only answer that made sense was, “They know it won’t matter, because they obviously think that they can’t lose.”

    I think that is the same reason why this is happening.

    1. They obviously thought they couldn’t lose, and they obviously knew that no-one would do anything about it.

  5. Nope. Just like the jews that keep voting for the left, the liberals will vote D regardless of facts or evidence. They can’t help themselves.
    You cannot undue decades of brainwashing with just a few thousand destroyed lives.

    1. You might want to take a second glance at who wrote the article you just responded to before you start screaming about “DA JOOOOOOS!”

      1. He referred to a group of Jews, not “Jews” in general.
        Even I as a non native speaker can see that.

        And I guess it’s the same group J.Kb keeps complaining about.

  6. And at least one NM senator released a statement approving of Burden’s actions. (Spell corrected and I’m gonna leave it that way!) The NM state government is also pretty much all for it.

    Perhaps NM won’t vote quite so D in the next election. If there is one.

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