It’s come to my attention that there are some outstanding patch orders that need to be shipped.


From the bottom of my heart, I apologize for the delay.

I’ve gotten into the habit of checking for orders on Sundays when sitting down to pay and mail all my other bills.

I’ve been using my phone because that’s where all my banking apps are.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t seeing the shopping cart with my WordPress app, so I was missing orders.

I take full responsibility for this oversight.

I promise you that all outstanding orders will be processed this weekend (I’m currently put of town, escaping the snow in Florida) and I’ll add in an extra patch as my way of saying sorry.

Again, my sincerest apologies and thank you for supporting the blog.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Patch processing issues”
  1. Maybe it’s time to move at least some of your life off the phone.

    Phones are convenient but not a universal solution.

    1. Yes, and I need to buy a new computer. I’ve been using my phone because my computer is about 7 years old and getting slow. It’s been more convenient to use my phone, but I’m learning the shortcomings of that.

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