For those of you that don’t know, Paul Clement is the super star lawyer that just won NYSR&PA, Inc v. Bruen. He has been around for a long time fighting for conservative ideals on a constitutional basis.

He fought to “remove immigration protections from so-called Dreamers”.

The firm he use to be with was Kirkland & Ellis. After today’s SCOTUS announcement, Kirkland & Ellis issued a statement that they will no longer represent clients in Second Amendment matters.

It sounds like Clement heard this or knew this was going to happen so he and a former Kirkland partner, Erin Murphy, left to form their own firm.

This guy has been fighting woke culture and the gun rights infringers for a very long time. He left his prior firm when they with drew from a case involving same sex marriage.

I’m glad he is still here with us, fighting the good fight.

Bloomberg Law: Clement to Open Boutique After Kirkland Withdraws From Guns

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By awa

4 thoughts on “Paul Clement Leaves Firm to Open Boutique Firm”
  1. So Kirkland & Ellis are a bunch of quacks who only support some of the laws and some of the Constitution. Good to know. They are now on my blacklist, for what little that’s worth.

  2. I worked at Kirkland for 5 years in IT. The partners are, by and large, extremely smart people. But like most big firms, they compete for staff and rankings based on just about every metric and category you can imagine. HR kind of stuff. For staff, it’s awesome. I got 7 weeks paid paternity leave, for example. Twice. In 2 years. But they also compete in the Corporate Woke Olympics , which I’m guessing is also getting pushed from HR. Apparently they think they are somehow immune to the “get woke go broke” phenomenon. Unfortunately many of their clients are large converged corporations, so it works for now.

  3. They defended Jeffery Epstein and that was fine but defending the Second Amendment was cause to change firm policy. I guess pedophile child traffickers are more important than Constitutional rights. Clement and Murphy are better off on their own.

  4. This seems to be a big story. The WSJ, today, discussed it in an editorial (alongside another editorial celebrating the SCOTUS decision), and they also published an op-ed from Clement & Murphy explaining what they did and why legal ethics required it.

    I sure hope for a case of “go woke go broke”. Then again, supporting selected bits of the constitution while pissing on other bits is not exactly new; the ACLU is a particularly notorious example of this going back decades — though more recently they seemed to have stopped supporting the Constitution altogether in favor of far left talking points.

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