I understand why the Fire truck stopped. Fire Stations are wide open to attack and the firemen cannot defend themselves.

And I admit freely that I am savoring a nice cup of Schadenfreude at the misery of the CNN crew and loss of equipment the company suffered. The Media has had no problem stoking the fires, but they feel they will be spared of the collective burn.

And it is specially stupid from CNN after the warning the had not too long ago:


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on ““Peaceful” protesters in Atlanta burn a Wendy’s, block fire truck and attack CNN crew.”
  1. I know of several firemen who wore body armor and carried Glocks when on a call. This is not new, so the numbers are probably a lot higher nowadays.

    1. Body armor, yes. Firearms? Not if I wanted to keep my job. The only time I ever had a gun was when I had one in my bag on my deployment to Katrina in 2005.

      1. Why was that, your bosses required you to be disarmed?

        It seems to be fire departments should adopt a “we don’t stop for road blocks” policy.

        1. 1 our fire chief was from New York
          2 our city manager was a Democrat
          3 firefighters enter places off limits to ccw.
          4 fema prohibits carry by any who are not Leo at any federal disaster.

  2. CNN getting some rude awakening stew with reality check sauce added for extra punch? GOOD.

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