Continue peaceful protests with peaceful arson.

The Federal building is the lightning rod now, but it seems Mayor Wheeler’s Antifa can’t penetrate it which is why I figure the “peaceful protesters” went after the local cop’s union building .

It has now become a game of perseverance and waiting to see who blink first. If the Feds stay the course, The “peaceful protesters” will seek other animal statues to vandalize or local business to destroy making making it once again a problem of the Portland city council and Antifa Mayor.

One last question, who is driving the “peaceful protesters” around town? I mean, I really don’t see them walking from downtown to the Portland Police Association out of cardio and the goodness of their revolutionary hearts.

Just silly questions my brain come up with during the first cup of coffee of the day.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Peaceful Protestors in Portland do Arson Again.”
  1. That’s not arson, that’s, um, sharing the light! Yeah! They’re trying to enlighten us using alternatively peaceful means!

    And, yes, at some point, probably not too long from now, they will move on to private businesses and residences.

    1. The politicians won’t care about that — right up to the point where the private residence attacked is that of the mayor, or of his controllers. That’s what happened in Seattle.

  2. They are LARPing as revolutionaries.

    They want to burn shit and take a spin through the Portland revolving door judicial system where and arrest without charges is gets them street cred.

    They don’t want to actually get bagged and tagged by the Fed and do hard felony time.

    If DHS doesn’t blink, every bit of federal property will be a island of calm in a ocean of chaos.

  3. Portlandia has a pretty robust public transit system, which goes from downtown all the way to the race track on the Northwest side. Just a couple of years ago, they decriminalized failure to pay for riding. . .

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