After a year and a half in New Hampshire, I finally got my New Hampshire concealed-carry permit.

The reason is so that I can apply for my Massachusetts non-resident LTC.

New Hampshire’s carry permit comes printed out on an 8.5×11 inch sheet if paper.

It’s not a wallet card.

I guess since you don’t have to have it on you, being a Constitutional Carry state, they decided to save money and just give you letter.

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By J. Kb

13 thoughts on “Peak bureaucracy”
  1. we here get a laminated card looks like a drivers license. and fill out reams of paperwork with multiple redundant questions. I enjoy sending them copies of my FFL and SOT paperwork as one year they judged me to “not have good moral character “ and denied my permit… we also are a Constitutional carry state amazingly enough…

  2. Coming from MA to FL simplified my second amendment life and was the main reason for making the change. Second reason was to live in the land of conservatism which is mid to south central Florida. J.KB you know you’ve been spoiled because you’re a Florida Boy……homesick yet?

  3. I reduced mine with a copier and laminated it.

    Do you still need a MSP-approved “safety” class?

  4. Seems to be the way for several states/areas. My first Alabama permit was looked like it was just printed out on some Avery business card stock, one county over they were plastic/drivers license type wallet cards (Alabama doesn’t have a central state agency, they’re all handled by the local sheriffs, which is a whole ‘nother story).
    My first permit was in Indiana and it came on Pepto Bismol pink paper that you had to cut on the dotted line to get your permit. Typically everyone went to Staples and had extra copies made . . . it was common enough that the people behind the counter knew exactly what color paper to print the copies on.
    That, though, is some next level phoning it in.

  5. I’m surprised they even do that anymore. Don’t you just go to town Hall and apply? I’ve only had the non resident one myself.

    1. In NH, you mean? They still issue the permit if you ask for it, and yes, the process is quite simple. The only real reason I know of is for reciprocity or the like; you don’t need it in NH. A lot of CC states do this, I think, though the original one (Vermont) apparently doesn’t because it simply never had the process in the first place.

    2. @Lenard: Pistol and Revolver licenses are handled through the local PD.

      When I first moved from the People’s Republic of MA (pre-permitless), I figured that I would have to submit and wait.

      As I was leaving the department, the officer called to me and asked me to sign the permit portion of the application. That meant, in my mind, that it would be issued. It was in about a week,

      In MA, you only signed after (if?) the LTC was granted. 8>)

      1. I remember reading up on the law before CC was passed in NH. It had a bunch of good points. One was a hard time limit. Another was an explicit prohibition of local modifications to the requirements. And I think (though I may be mixed up with some other gun related law) that local officials violating those rules were personally liable for doing so — no hiding behind “I’m acting as an official”.

    3. @Paul Koning: Another benefit is that a permit issued by your state of residence exempts you from the pointless Gun Free School Zone Act.

      1. Ah, I was thinking town hall since all the services for my municipality are pretty much in that one building, police included.
        I’m surprised it’s even worth getting for reciprocity, I would think that any state that would require a permit would honor a NH one because of how easy it is to get.

        1. You’d have to look up the current reciprocity lists. Certainly some wouldn’t honor NH permits, but others do. I haven’t looked since I don’t travel much.

  6. Michigan is no longer a 2nd Amendment friendly state, but most of the old carry laws are still in effect. The county clerk has 45 days from when you apply and submit fingerprints to approve or disapprove. The best part is that if they don’t give you an answer by then, your application form then becomes your valid carry permit, which is good until they do act on your application. No ‘lost in the system’ excuses.

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