I’ve tried really hard to ignore that little turd, but he out did himself recently.

He jumped on the anti-cop social justice bandwagon and this one takes the cake.

The police not going into his school only lead to 17 dead and 17 injured, he should know this.

Then again, maybe he does.

Had that shooting never happened or if the body count wasn’t as high, Hogg wouldn’t have gotten the boost he needed to fame, fortune, and  full ride to Harvard.

This is either the most tone deaf, lack of self awareness or the most callous, self serving Tweet ever.

I can’t decide but either way it’s beyond terrible.

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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “Peak David Hogg”
  1. Empirical evidence says he’s right. The police have no place in schools. Their place is outside, cowering behind whatever convenient object conceals them from what’s going on inside the school.

  2. Thought terd disappeared and i had hopes…as in Disappeared.

    So I haven’t been granted my wish. ?

  3. That’s the life of a Publicity Whore for you. They have to get more and more outrageous to get their diminishing crumbs of attention.

    1. Saving you the time.
      “The past tense of the verb lead is led, not lead. One reason for the confusion might be that a similar verb, read, has an infinitive that’s spelled the same as the past tense. But with lead, that’s not how things are. Led is the correct way to spell the past tense of lead.”

    2. I don’t think the author cares. He doesn’t seem to be overly particular about his typos, his grammar or his spelling. He has been given plenty of opportunities to improve if he was interested, but it would appear that he is of the “if they know what I mean, who cares?” school. And that’s his right. I haven’t bothered to point out mistakes, because it really doesn’t matter, and it won’t make a difference. While I don’t agree with the ‘just ignore it, since we all know what it meant” BS, since I’ve spent years embarrassing myself (in my own eyes, by my own standards) by making stupid little simple mistakes that I would have stopped making if any person had ever bothered to point them out to me. I consider it a FAVOR to a person to correct their grammar, but the average person seems to think it a grave affront and annoyance. And if they obviously are not interested, then I don’t bother, and let them do it their own way.
      That said, he could had just left out the “s”, it might have been meant to say “leads to 17 killed, etc”. Either way it’s a much smaller, easier to make mistake than many I see people routinely make.

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