By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “Pelosi, she-wolf of the SS”
  1. At this point Pelosi’s office is denying it. So will they backtrack and admit they did or throw the CP under the bus and claim it was put out w/o authorization?

  2. Pelosi is well known for not wearing a mask in the Capitol. Let’s see if they arrest her.

    1. They wouldn’t. It’s right there in the text of her order. Arrest staff and visitors. The members themselves are merely reported to the Sergeant at Arms, presumably for lackadaisical wrist slapping.

      It’s Congress. It will be a cold day in hell when they don’t exempt themselves from the laws and rules they lay on the peasantry.

      1. Actually, there’s a reason for that. The Constitution says that members can’t be arrested while at or going from or to a session, except for specific stated charges.

  3. If the pubbies had any balls (yeah I know), they’d defy this order en masse, and make her highness try to prove in court that mask mandates are any thing other than political theater.

  4. Buck Sexton had a Florida congressman on today and he said CP is not taking it seriously. And if you go to the senate side theres no mask mandate FUK these imbisiles.

  5. It would be helpful if we stopped using words and phrases used by the left. You can’t defeat these ogres by fighting on their terrain.

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