Some samples of the behavior last nite and early morning in Phylly.

I was listening to the scanner for a spell and the cops were almost overwhelmed. I heard about people tearing down a light pole and throwing it through a window of a store.  Busses being hijacked and the roof used for dancing platforms. People trying to get in City Hall (It is in the video, people climbing that big gate).

Anyway, my message to the Eagle’s fans is this: How many years have you guys been wanting to wing a Superbowl? But Trump becomes president and, BOOM! you are champs.


You are welcome.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Philadelphia? No thank you.”
  1. I’m glad I don’t live in a city with a major sports team. “Celebrations” after winning a championship to be becoming both more frequent and more destructive over the years. No idea what the mindset is other than “Carnival!” … or maybe The Purge called it.

  2. It would be easy for me to say that football fans are especially stupid, especially those from the putrid “tri-state area”, but then I remember that after their team lost in the Stanley Cup finals, Vancouver Canucks fans destroyed their city as well. And, on top of that one, in typical liberal Canadian fashion, they blamed the destruction their fans caused on Americans. As if Americans crossed the border in the 10’s of thousands to riot in Vancouver.
    Anyway, Eagles fans seem to be especially dumb. I didn’t watch a second of the game last night, so I have no dog in this hunt, either.

  3. Yawn…

    Typical behaviour of the hard core fans of the National Felon League. Nothing new to see here, move along.


    Apparently, Philadelphia has turned into a libtard sh!thole just like Baltimore and other large elistist cities ruled by Demoncraps, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that the Philly Riot 2018 happened.
    “They needed room to express themselves,” or some other libtard excuse will be used for this. Oh, and it will also be “Trumps fault” that these dbags tore up their own city.

    1. Really when it comes down to it, I have no sympathy at all when urbanites destroy their communities. City rhymes with shitty. So go ahead, destroy your city.

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