Poland to consider outright ban on LGBT+ Pride marches
Citizens initiative comes after anti-LGBT+ rhetoric from government figures

Poland will consider a bill banning LGBT+ Pride parades, after a proposed law was submitted to parliament on Monday with the required number of signatures.

The “Stop LGBT” proposal, which seeks to outlaw public gatherings of the LGBT+ community that “promote” non-heterosexual “sexual orientations”, amassed more than 200,000 signatories, twice the number needed for it to be reviewed by politicians.

You know, I get it.  I do.

I’m a mostly tolerant guy.  If you’re gay and want to live a nice middle-class life, I don’t care.  And what you do in the privacy of your bedroom is none of my concern.

Drag Queens who dress up as Satanic nuns and do homoexotic displays with Catholic symbols exceeds the limits of my tolerance.



If you want to dress in drag and read stories to kindergarten age kids about how they can change gender and how to pick out their drag names, that’s unacceptable.

Allowing a Drag Queen to roll around on the floor and let children lay on top of him?

Hard no.

So yeah, I can see how a Catholic country would say “you can’t do anymore of that weird LGBT perverted bullshit in public.”

Poland made internet censorship illegal and their immigration reforms have resulted in them being one of the only nations in Europe without a Islamic terrorist attack.

Poland ain’t fucking around with going Woke.


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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “Poland ain’t f**king around with Wokeness”
  1. Man, oh Man!! I wish we could shout this out from the rooftops. Everything you said is spot on, 100% correct! Thanks man, another one of your fine posts.

  2. Pride marchers: Hey, what’s that noise, almost sounds like heavy met-

    1. One of Sabaton’s songs is about a few dozen Poles who held off thousands of Nazis. It was so popular in Poland they had a multiple-stop tour of Poland, starting at the site of the battle. One night the local Archbishop came to bless the concert.

      1. “40:1”, awesome song! They’ve had a lot of good subject matter to draw from the badasses of Poland with “Uprising”, “Inmate 4859”, and the aforementioned “Winged Hussars”.

        I swear Sabaton has taught me better history than the the “teachers” (I use the term loosely, a better one would be “idealouges”).

  3. *goes to find a Polish language course in order to search for engineering jobs at Fabryka Broni Radom or PGZ SA*

    Between Poland’s actions in a lot of matters and the way my friends of Polish heritage conduct themselves in the face of statism and wokeness, I respect the Polish people way more than my American compatriots.

  4. This may be a reason that homosexuality is enjoined in both testaments. Because it is the wedge used to break societies. Well, you can’t be against that. Well you approve of that, and this is like that. Etc.

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