I want to double down on what Miguel wrote.

I saw this yesterday.  The son of the Mayor of Denver cursing out a City of Aurora police officer during a traffic stop.

The entitlement in that adult child is off the charts.  The two questions are how much other criminality did Junior get away with because “do you know who my dad is” in Denver.  How will this affect Dad’s political career?

Some pigs are more equal than others until the news gets hold of the body cam footage.


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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Police Body Cams: The worst thing it could happen to the Politics of Entitlement.”
  1. On-screen headline: “Mayor’s son’s police encounter with police”

    I’m glad they felt they had to specify he didn’t have a police encounter with Pacific Narwhals. Redundant verbiage is redundant.

    “Layers and layers of editorial oversight.”

    (And yes, off-the-charts entitlement. Wow.)

  2. You want to know how it’s going to affect Hizzoner Hancock? The teflon mayor, the man that can escape all sexual harassment charges in a single bound, who can stop a stampeding press corps intent upon soundbites by distracting them with city council impotence and incompetence?

    Please! His son’s behavior will likely boost his numbers even higher amongst the demographic that elected him.

  3. l loved the comment made elsewhere by another poster. The “yute” disdainfully bellowed, “Do you know who my father is??!!”

    The retort was (and this is golden): “No. Does your mother?”

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