What was that guy thinking is beyond me, but I can’t fault the cops for being paranoid. And the shooter is alive in the hospital. He was given immediate First Aid by the cops present at the scene. Notice how these videos always seem to start too late to give you more context?

Wisconsin, being the Soviet State in the Union, promptly responded.

One cop is down:

So who is this new martyr in the fight for equality and saving the Black race from the evil White Cops? A wanted felon with a history of violence and sexual abuse.

So the good people of Racine, Wisconsin are burning the place down because they deem that a shitheel that will gladly beat them and sexually assault women is a worthwhile individual to “defend.”

Living in interesting times, aren’t we?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Police Shooting in Kenosha, WI. And of course, riots ensue.”
  1. How in the hell does someone get away with pointing an AR-15 at a Sheriff’s vehicle and not catch hot lead to the chest?

  2. I thought it was called a fully automatic weapon of war with 100 round clips and a thing that goes up that no one needs and is loaded with illegal cop-killer bullets. Now it’s just a semi-automatic rifle when a protester carries it. Interesting.

    1. Just like IEDs are merely “fireworks” when “protesters” are throwing them at honest people.

  3. Ok, enough is enough. The police, the mayors, the AG’s, the governors of these dimorat hell-holes have already made it blatantly clear numerous time that they support these insurrectionists. Are there any armed citizens in these places? Is there a reason they haven’t started sniping these little shitstains?

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