Everybody daydreams. What would you do if you had $1,000,000. Stuff like that.
For people who like and think about politics, we occasionally daydream about politics. What would I do if I were president. How would I answer the political question du jour.
When I fantasize about my ideal political world, it is fairly simple. We have a strong military, and when Iranian speedboats buzz our ships, we sink them. Everybody pays the same, marginal, income tax rate. Being a productive member of society feels like something to be proud of and not a suckers game.
For the most part, my daydreams are about being left the hell alone. I don’t want to rule over anybody else. I don’t want to be ruled over either. I have no interest in regulating what other people do with their lives. I’m very straight forward, be honest, don’t cheat, earn your keep.
Oh, god damn it.
But this isn’t why I’m voting for her.
I’m voting for her because I do not want to live in an America where the type of people who’d fervently, dogmatically, and unconditionally support Trump — who exist so motivated by and permeated with hate and fear and loathing that they’d stand in formation behind Darth Cheeto — have a reason to be optimistic about their beliefs. I do not want these people to feel good or inspired. I do not want them to receive some type of collective psychic victory. I do not want them to experience any measure of positive reinforcement. No encouragement. No stir. No rousing. No influx of energy. No invigoration. No revitalization. No nothing besides confusion, shame, and, if the confusion and the shame isn’t enough to convince them to at least consider not hating me and people who look like me and people who don’t look like them, death.
Yes, you read that correctly. I want these motherfuckers to lose. And if losing what might be the last winnable election for them in a millennia isn’t enough for them to move into the 21st century, I wouldn’t terribly mind if they withered the fuck away and died.
In two paragraphs, Mr. Damon Young announces that he would like to see Trump supporters die for their beliefs, twice. Twice.
The reason that Mr. Young supports Hillary is because he hates Trump supporters and wants them to die.
This is just another example of people – generally on the Far Left – daydreaming about oppressing and/or killing those who they disagree with.
This is how you ge a professor calling for a mass shooting at the NRA headquarters or a petition with 9,000+ signatures to declare the NRA a terrorist organization. Who needs reasoned discourse when you can take those on the other side of an issue and send them off to a gulag Guantanamo.
I swear, when Progressives daydream about their ideal political world, it is a nation ruled by bureaucrats where there is a concentration camp in every city, and anybody who dares speak out against their nanny-state dictatorship is sent off to be reeducated or murdered.
I’ve seen that daydream before, it’s called Schindler’s List. And they wonder why I own guns.
No, we should live in an America governed by a woman who has long established that she should be in prison, who has called tens of millions of Americans irredeemable and deplorable, who has referred to blacks as super-predators, who is proud to call the NRA and gun owners enemies and terrorists, who has followers who firebomb the political offices of the opposition, who vandalize and steal the property of the opposition, who physically assault and in some cases attempt to murder the opposition, and who opine on the internet that they wish everyone not like them politically would die.
I guess that’s the kind of America Hillary supporters want. And they wonder why I too own guns.
This is why the Hildabeast is consumed with a white-hot hatred of the NRA. She must disarm us so as to control us.
She deserves to have her neck stretched for her crimes, but her bitch, FBI Director Comey, is being black mailed. I hope this man without a shred of integrity meets a similar fate.