All they had to do was NOT defend a serial child rapist and a serial wife beater but they couldn’t.

They had to call them heroes.

If you’re out there defending a man who spent 10 years in prison for raping boys as young as 5-years-old, you need to reconsider your life.

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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “Politics has broken people’s brains”
  1. While I generally agree with the consensus here with regard to child rapists, this lady almost has a point. Except of course Rosenbaum didn’t save anybody and neither did the other two.

    The problem is that Rittenhouse was just running around trying to put out fires and give people first aid. They’re making it out like these three were the United 93 passengers for trying to beat up an innocent 17 year old.

    If Rittenhouse had wanted to kill people, there’d be more than two dead, and these so called heros evidently couldn’t and wouldn’t have stopped him.

  2. One has to remember to the left there is nothing wrong against pedophilia and it should be totally legal for a grown man to have sex with a child. They defend rape.

    Normal human beings and a normal parents if they found someone who was raping children or their children they would want to kill that person. And if it goes to trial they should be found not guilty and pedos who can’t keep their hands to themselves should be killed or neutered. But according to the left having that opinion is bigoted. It makes sense given who there president is and his track record with little girls; including his own daughter according to her diary.

    1. Curby, no, they wouldn’t, because he would have ‘deserved’ it for not following the leftist message.

      He would have been a ‘good death’ to all of these leftist whackos.

  3. On the one hand … in a property functioning justice system, I do believe that once one has served one’s time and been released into society again, the past should be the past.

    On the other hand … first, in my opinion we don’t have a properly functioning justice system today (especially when it comes to sex offenders and pedophiles); and second, being a hero means doing something heroic. What these people were doing in Kenosha, wasn’t that.

    Of course, heroism is also a matter of perception. So, my question would be, are you saying this person is a hero to you because of the sex crimes, the rioting, the attempted murder, or all of the above?

    1. Remember — these peoples’ intellectual and political ancestors celebrated Horst Wessel and all he did was get killed.

  4. The standard if :for the good of the cause”.

    Boris. You over rate prison. It does not “correct” anything, it is just a “quarantine”. Most offenders will re-offend after they are released. Keeping them isolated protects the community from them. Ex-cons are always a threat to those around them. Our system of prosecution makes it worse by mandating long prison sentences for trivial infractions, and then by withholding action for serious offenses.

    In the Rittenhouse case, one attacker had been “impulsive” and attacked children. No surprise that he attacked again in the riot situation. Priot behavior matters since it gives us in-sight to his personality.

    I find it entertaining that the Leftists will persecute a person for a statement or a minor action decades in the past but will ignore prior brutality if the individual is one of theirs. Justice! My Rosy Red………..

    1. Mike-SMO: I think you missed the part where I said “properly functioning.” There are (or should be) options other than prison.

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