It takes one video to destroy a carefully planned publicity campaign.

A 55-year-old woman remains hospitalized at Vanderbilt University Medical Center with nine fractures in her elbow, six broken ribs and a broken left leg after an assault in the parking lot of Popeye’s Louisiana Chicken restaurant in Columbia, Tenn., that was captured in a now-viral video.

Popeye’s employee Deriance Ra’Shaiel Hughes, 29, was arrested Friday and charged with felony aggravated assault, according to Columbia Police. The incident occurred Tuesday, police said.

The video shows a woman walking out of the restaurant. A man wearing a red Popeye’s uniform shirt follows quickly behind her, with several other people behind him.

Before the woman steps off the sidewalk, the man later identified by police as Hughes grabs her waist from behind, lifts her up and body slams her onto the asphalt. On the audio, the man can then be heard screaming repeatedly as he stands over her while the woman moans.

Lawyer describes altercation before customer body-slammed at Tennessee Popeye’s

When I was in college back in the Reagan years, I used to go to a nearby Popeye’s to get Dirty Rice and biscuits, that was it since I do no like chicken. Years later visit ing the States, I went to one and I was greeted poorly because I was of the wrong racial persuasion and never even bothered since to be a customer.

You may have noticed on TV Popeye’s heavy campaign to attract customers with the Louisiana theme playing heavily trying to shed the gansta-only reputation that it seem to have developed and expand the customer base. But the above video is not going to help one bit.

Of course, tossing trays to a customer is not a good look either:

Or even fighting amongst employees”

It seems my long held belief that chicken sucks is also one that allows me to stay away from dangerous places. I’ll stick to tacos and burgers.

And Ladies and Gentlemen: There is no fast food out there worth ending up in a hospital or prison. Words do not hurt but deep cavity body search is an experience you should not aim for.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Popeye’s seems can’t shed the reputation”
  1. Reason #732 to get your fried and breaded poultry at Chick-fil-A instead. Which reminds that I need to see if the local Chick-fil-A has finished construction so I can “own the libs”.

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