Portland city employees can take bereavement leave following an abortion https://t.co/v8YfdLmsDv
— TheBlaze (@theblaze) October 27, 2021
Interesting. So according to Portland, the a aborted unborn child is a human with a soul worthy of mourning, not just a clump of cells to be disposed of for convenience. Otherwise you could take off bereavement leave for the removal of a precancerous polyp.
This is legitimately an acknowledgement of the value of an unborn child, ironically making a pro-life argument.
Too bad the irony of this hasn’t sunk it for them yet.
“Too bad the irony of this hasn’t sunk it for them yet.”
That would require for progtards to have more than 2 brain cells to rub together.
Children running the city.
Once again, decisions made for reasons that appeal to children (getting employer paid time off) without any consideration of adverse effects. How is this different than what a toddler does?
This is hogwash. Hell even they know.
They are just pushin, and why not.
Thre Train is rolling.
This is what they are, OK at.
Abuse of The System.
I say OK because..
It would stop, if Damn Judges would stop bending over forward to them.
This is madness along with BUTTWIEGLE or whatever that gay ass terds name is and his Family leave BS!
Someones ass must be SOrE from burfin to pull that pin.
That means by logical extension that if you murder an adult you can take a day off bereavement leave, too. Maybe a spouse? Co-worker? Boss?
How about a political assassination?
Every place I’ve ever worked would give mom or dad a couple of days off for a miscarriage or stillbirth. They just had to add abortion, the leftist religion.
The Left seems to be immune to cognitive dissonance. “Stop trying to take my rights away over a clump of cells!” “Give me time off to mourn my choice to kill my baby!” They are perfectly comfortable with both, as hard as it is for the rest of us to understand.