The Democratic mayor of Portland, Ore., is moving from his $840,000 condo to avoid rioters who have repeatedly targeted the building, according to a report.

Ted Wheeler wrote to neighbors in his building to say it would be “best for me and for everyone else’s safety and peace” for him to move from the building that rioters tried to torch on his 58th birthday Monday, according to The Oregonian.

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler moving to avoid rioters targeting his home

So the asshole has to leave his almost million bucks dacha and seek other refuge somewhere because he played a dumb political game and his boys and girls of Antifa are now targeting him. In the meantime, those people living in Portland like our buddy Ish, cannot afford but to stay where they are and suck the almost daily revolts.

I have an idea, why doesn’t Teddy move to a public location like a police precinct? What better place to be than where you can be surrounded by cops with guns, right? Oh right, I forgot: He told cops not to do anything harsh to the poor misguided children in black.

Somebody find out where he will be living and feed it to Antifa. We are done being nice and better him than good people.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Portland Mayor moves to a new location. Somebody please Doxx his ass.”
  1. Now I’m pissed. Ted Wheeler lives in an $840,000 condo. He was state treasurer 2010-2017 making $77k and mayor of Portland 2017-present making $143k. How does that motherfucker afford a near million dollar condo?

    I take it back. ANTIFA can do whatever they want with him, guillotine included.

    1. Wikipedia says: “Wheeler worked for several financial services companies, including the Bank of America and Copper Mountain Trust.”

      So, some sort of finanical/investing job(s).

    2. Honestly, $850k is on the modest end for a condo in the Portland area. I’d have expected him to be in a $1-1.5 million place… and he’s probably heavily mortgaged.

    3. Wheeler is from a rich family. Went to Stanford He also has a $1 million plus home in the West Hills and a beachfront property on the coast, as well as property in the San Juan islands. Why do Dems keep electing this kind of Elitist trash?

  2. My guess is he moved west into Washington County, in one part as an FU to the Washington County Sheriff and also so that the cases of people harassing him get sent to a DA that will actually prosecute them.

    Speaking of that FU to the Washington County Sheriff, I don’t think I’ve seen it reported on here, but Gov. Brown voluntold neighboring law enforcement that they were going to be sacrificed to the Portland rioters and they all told her to pound sand…

  3. 1. “best for me and for everyone else’s safety and peace” – except your new neighbors.

    2. i wonder if the mayor has to live in the city? if so, he can’t be going too far…

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