There is a shortage of Coronavirus tests.

However, there is no shortage of tests to determine if you are a piece of shit infected with TDS.

I found another one.

If you like or retweet this, you are a sick piece of shit with TDS.

Fred Guttenberg failed the test.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “POS TDS Test”
  1. What exactly has Trump done that is so awful? Can anyone on the left side of the political aisle explain that to me? Please?

    Well, I mean except for getting in the way of Obama’s 3rd term, otherwise known as a Hillary Presidency.

    1. He shut down flight from China in January which was racist and made the outbreak worse, if you believe the media.

  2. It’s Fred Guttenberg. He’s been media whoring for gun control ever since his daughter died, providing him with bulletproof moral armor against any argument.

    I would be more surprised if he wasn’t swanning around.

    1. It would be amusing to get his reaction to the Broward County declaration listing gun stores as essential businesses.

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