I saw this meme over 90 Miles and I disagree with it:

Four years? How about twelve years? Have we forgotten about the Obama administration use of race as splitting wedge? Clinging to their guns and religion? Despicables? The beginnings of Black Lives Matter supported by the Justice Department right after Trayvon Martin ended his young life of crime?

And if you are a Gun Owner, the time is measured in decades.

If were were as sensitive as SJW and assorted polysexed revolutionaries, fake anarchists and chic socialists, the stack of bodies would rival Kampuchea and they would be selling their sex in Tijuana or Montreal for internet access and Starbucks.

We are way too nice.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Preaching Unity?”
  1. Sorry, You are wrong. It is not the last 12 years.

    It is the last 20.

    Ever since GW Bush won the 2000 election, anyone even slightly right of the center of the political aisle was vilified. Remember how GW Bush was behind 9/11? Remember how supporting military action in Afghanistan was consider the equivalent of treason?

    Remember how the media spent 8 years telling everyone how Bush was an idiot? There has been well over 20 years of the left trying to divide the nation along political lines.

  2. Well…we can go back to 1913, and the stupid constitutional amendment to allow an income tax.
    And next came FDR, who banned ownership of gold, and Joe Citizen was forced to trade in his gold eagles for fiat money…
    Then he bungled the Great Depression.

    Commies started to infiltrate Hollywood, schools, politics, and unions.

    They played the “Long Game.”
    Soft-headed sycophants were planted in universities…and trained generations of schoolteachers…

    Which leads to us today, and we are scratching our heads wondering why anyone would believe leftist gobbledygook.

    If only I had a time machine…..

    1. We can go back further than that. Read St. George Tucker’s book on the Constitution and its abusers, published in 1803.
      The reality is that politicians have always hated the Constitution and always trampled it, from the moment the ink on it was dry.

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