The following is a collection of rambling thoughts I had over the last couple of weeks & put together on the fly. They make as much sense as anything coming from me….OK Less sense than usual.

They must really hate us now. The Teflon Administration is getting stuck with a lot of crap lately and I think the stickiness can be traced directly to us Gun Owners.

The Administration was on a roll. Even when wrong, they could do no wrong no matter how unconstitutional it was. Universal Health care nobody wanted? Check. Bad loans to bad solar companies? Check. Extending its powers to near-dictatorial levels? Check.

Any law, any directive, any wish that came from the White House or the Senate was sure to be approved & adored by the pundits and followers. They felt invincible and they were. But hubris got to them and decided to ignore a basic principle of living and politics in the USA:

Leave Gun Owners Alone.

In the political sense we are a weird bunch. If untouched in our normal habitat, we are quiet, unassuming, can’t tell us apart most of the time from other members of the community, enjoy the same things other people do; we are just regular folks living a regular life. But when we are confronted, we are vocal, proud and irreverent. When asked to compromise our rights, the big obnoxious middle finger plants itself inches away from the face of those requesting our submission. When threatened, we laugh knowing the threat is either empty or issued by somebody who really does not understand that poking a grizzly bear is a bad idea even if its name is Gentle Ben.

We knew President Obama was a gun grabber. Even though hundreds of apologist kept repeating over and over that he was not going to take our guns, we ignored and prepared for the possible occasion. Then it went from just rumors and political speeches to reality: Operation Fast and Furious came to be known. Even though the Administration was able to parry the inquiries and pretty much make it a non-issue with the help of a complicit Media, it was the alarm bell that made us get ready for battle. If we had a group of government law-enforcement personnel who did not give two damns about allowing guns to fall into the hands of people who made the Gestapo and the SS look like greeters at Chuck E. Cheese, what could be in store for the regular law-abiding folks who happened to own guns?

“You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” – Rahm Emanuel as White House Chief of Staff, 2009.

That opportunity came to be with the Sandy Hook Elementary Massacre. Yes, there previously was Gabby Giffords and the Aurora Theater shooting but a bunch kids killed by an insane fuck? This is it! This is Dunblane USA! YES WE CAN! 

And the full force of the Administration came to be against Gun Owners, the Second Amendment and Liberty. They could taste the sweet flavor of triumph in their collective palates as the avalanche of Anti Gun “sentiment” poured out from the newspapers, radio and TV shows. The full-fledged demonization of Gun Owners was the norm as they desperately wanted each and every one of us to be seen as the next killer living next to Mr. and Mrs. America who should be afraid of their neighbor. They wanted us to be silent, not to acknowledge we had guns, to be embarrassed to admit we belonged to the NRA and not to exercise our Constitutional rights. They wanted to be unopposed and ride triumphantly into the sunset with the shreds of the Constitution in their hands on their way to the perfect society in which they decide what is best for us lowly plebeians. But as I mentioned before, we are a weird bunch: We rose to the challenge and directed that ugly middle finger to the White House and Congress and said: MOLON LABE (Which is Greek for “Bring it on. I am gonna make you my bitch.)

And By God how bad they failed! It was an embarrassment of magnificent proportions. No government had miscalculated so bad since the Pharaoh gave Moses a raspberry about letting the Jews go. After all it was said and done in the Senate, the look in the faces of the Prez and Company was the equivalent of the guy who bet on a Three Card Monte he was sure to win only to see his $20 bill make a quick trip to the hustler’s pocket. I can only imagine them ask amongst themselves about how the flock did a bunch of uneducated rednecks beat the best that Chicago & DC Politics had to offer and screw them at their own game. Of course we were not playing their game but ours, plus we are sneaky and let you believe you were on top till it was time to bring your desires down.

OK, so what is it with all this rambling I am doing? I just felt that the big problems that the administration is going through right now have a direct relationship with our triumph. The Obama Administration is no longer seen as impregnable and capable of resisting any attack since a bunch of rednecks with a can opener managed to find chink in the armor, carved a nice little opening. and inserted the Pig Sticker deep enough to make them falter and fall. Basically we demonstrated it was OK to go after them as it is our Constitutional Right. They were not Invincible.

And of course, the fact that they have not been behaving as open and transparent as they promised, has not helped any. Benghazi, IRS doubling down on both Tea party organizations and illegally taking medical records, DOJ investigating journalists and that is just the stuff that they are willing to admit to!

Suddenly, we are no longer the Black Helicopter & Tin Foil Hat Clowns but the Prescient Bastards who Saw It Coming. It is not paranoia when you have the DOJ going through your phone records even though you were supposed to be “one of them”; how sad to come to the sad realization you were nothing more than a useful idiot. It is not political partisanship when you question why a conservative group was not given a tax exemption after years and reams of information but a progressive group is accepted within a month with little or not checks. I might not like your politics, but By Jove you have the same right as anybody else to say what you want. People in this Country DIED for the preservation of that right and here comes a bunch of slick-types trying to play shell games with the Constitution?

I am sure the list of government misdeeds will continue to grow and more people in the Administration will plea the 5th as they should. Those who have been dealing with the distasteful Chicago Way of doing politics will come forward in a more discreet manner, but they will come. The American people does not tolerate criminals or abusers even if they tried to cover themselves under the premise that they were “democratically elected” and thus above from that pettiness called The Law and its hobbling mother called The Constitution. I hope Justice will be served.

And they can blame/thank to those irreverent Americans that clinged to their guns and Bibles.

You are welcome..

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “Predatorial Games”
  1. You may very well be right. His reach definitely exceeded his grasp … and it was as if the scales fell off everyone’ eyes in that moment.

  2. You will now be audited by drone Miguel. Thank you for posting, it was very well said.


    1. The importance of punctuation and capitalization: it took me a minute to figure out Miguel was not the drone.

      (“You will now be audited by drone, Miguel.”)

  3. Nixon had less scandals in his administration, yet he had the decency to step down when caught red-handed. Wish our current Douchebag-in-Chief had that kind of balls.

    1. Kermit the Frog is more of a real person than President Obama.

      He’d make a better president, too.

  4. Amen, brother.
    “By the rude bridge that arched the flood, their Flag to Aprils’ breeze, unfurled,
    Here , once, the embattled Farmers stood and fired the Shot heard ’round the world.”

    You want ’em? Come git ’em.

  5. “In the political sense we are a weird bunch. If untouched in our normal habitat, we are quiet, unassuming, can’t tell us apart most of the time from other members of the community, enjoy the same things other people do; we are just regular folks living a regular life.”

    We’re the Dollars!
    (start at 7:30, main point made by first commercial break, MASSIVE spoilers if you haven’t seen the series yet and plan to.)

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