Pack of predators roaming the streets. This means it is no longer safe to walk alone and unarmed.

Adam Haner is seen a the end of the video trying to intercede for the victim, but he ended up being one himself. He is out of the hospital but visibly not unscathed.

You may want to check the latest Michael Bane’s podcast. He asks a decent question: Can we afford to be Good Samaritans anymore?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

17 thoughts on “Prequel to the Portland Truck Driver attack”
  1. My likelihood of stopping?
    Car accidents? Only if major and with serious injuries.
    Not in the city at all.
    Rural areas? Probably.

    I will not stop for anyone with teen or young adult males. I won’t stop for groups of people larger than 3. I will not stop for anyone unless I am armed.

    I will not stop for groups containing black people or people dressed in “street” or “hip hop” clothing. I will not become a victim just to prove I am not a racist.

    1. I will not become a victim just to prove I am not a racist.

      Amen, brother.

      You cannot prove to their satisfaction that you’re “not a racist”. Ever.

      – Don’t stop for black people: You don’t care about POC because you’re a racist.

      – Stop for black people: You’re showing off your car which your white privilege allows you to keep maintained and running; i.e., you’re a racist.

      You’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t. So why expose yourself to needless risk?

  2. “Can we afford to be Good Samaritans anymore?” As far as I’m concerned, no. Not in most cases at least, and especially not in large metropolitan areas. I took a class from Varg Freeborn based on his “Violence of Mind” book (anyone here who carries a gun or is mindful about self defense should read it). What he taught could be broken down to one question: “What is your mission?”

    My mission is to my family, to provide, protect, and care for them. I can’t well provide for the if I’m in the hospital or morgue because I wanted to be a hero or “do the right thing” and get involved in a fight that wasn’t mine. I can’t provide for them if I’m rotting in a jail cell waiting for a trial because I intervened in a situation. Varg put it well, “When you go to prison, it’s like dying . . . only you get to watch your funeral. You get to watch your family and friends move on without you.” Sobering thought.

    Anymore, if it doesn’t come through my door or across my hood . . . not my problem. The number of people I would risk it all for are very few and that is only because I know they would do the same for me. It may sound harsh, but that’s our “new normal”.

  3. In addition, if you do stop, and it goes south, NOW you are in an otherwise avoidable lethal force exercise.

    And, as you already know, the best lethal force exercise, it the one you are NOT a principal in.

  4. If by “good Samaritan” you mean shoot the mob, then yes.

    I’m not sure I can watch someone get kicked in the head by a mob on front of me and ignore it.

    1. I understand your view and I like it. But as Ragnar points out, if that response lands you in jail, that’s a very bad outcome. If you get hurt or killed because one of the mob blindsided you with a baseball bat, ditto.
      The first case is probably not so likely in Alabama, at least not if you stay away from the big cities. But for Oregon or California or Massachusetts, I think the Good Samaritan is ancient history. Especially since in several of those states you’re unlikely to be able to get a CCW permit in the first place.

      1. I don’t live in one of these areas. I don’t travel to these areas.

        Still, as a moral principle, I cannot watch an innocent person be victimized in front of me.

        The legacy of Kitty Genovese or Reginald Denny where bystanders watched a rape and an beating happen is ugly. I can’t be a part of that.

        If I’m attacked, I would want someone to help me.

        If the mob intimidates us all into inaction as they take us out one by one, they win.

        Stay in the truck and shoot motherfuckers through the window if you have to.

        But I can’t accept just watching an innocent person have their head stomped on.

      2. Oregon is shall-issue (for now), thank God.

        But that don’t matter; the RoEs in Portlandia — because of their pro-Antifa DA — are such that even if you can carry legally, you’d better not ever use it. The mob is never the problem. If they attack you, it’s your fault for provoking them. If you defend yourself, you’re already guilty of provoking the initial assault, so you are by definition not the innocent party.

        Even if a jury believes you and you win in court, you still lose; the legal fees will bankrupt you.

        Best to just steer well clear of the hot spots.

  5. As I said, rule .308. Learn it and live it. You do not have to love it. We had no part in any of this, other than existing in the same plane. However, it will be up to you to stop it when it invariably comes to your door.

    All of us are now officially on our own. Sobering thought.


    1. Yeah, and my reaction to that just keeps getting more ominous.

      Like, ‘maybe the current DA should be encouraged to go somewhere else’ ominous.

  6. Here’s what I’m wondering. A trans woman got robbed and bashed, but where’s the outrage?

    1. He/she was bashed by the mob. The mob can do no wrong.

      He/she probably deserved it. [/sarcasm]

      What? You didn’t really think this was really about black/brown/trans/whatever-not-white lives mattering, did you? 😉

  7. I live in the boonies. I will stop and assess the situation from inside my vehicle, especially in Winter. If it is one vehicle, and it appears disabled. If it is few people. If they look like they belong in the area.

    Last winter it was a Pizza Driver that ended up deep in someone’s yard (I asked if she was OK from the road), a high school girl in a ditch (I walked over to talk to her, made sure she was OK, and then I waited in my car until her friends came.), and an older couple in an SUV during a snowstorm (they stopped to use their cell).

    1. Jesus, this makes me so glad I live where I do. I more and more come to realize what a paradise this state is compared to most areas in this country these days (aside from being totally taken over by middle class leftists). I wouldn’t think twice to stop and help a person who is off the road or broken down, I do it all the time. There aren’t really any dangerous people around here. Even the criminal types aren’t dangerous. They might break into your house or make off with your lawnmower, or cut your catalytic convertor off in the night, but they probably won’t try to rob or murder you. Occasionally some junkie will rob a convenience store, but there is no real malice behind it, and no one is really in danger. I don’t even stop to consider before I get out to help people. I’ve helped all sorts, and they are always just thankful that someone stopped to help them, or they say “no thanks, I got AAA already, a tow truck is coming”. Of course on the other hand, this area is still 99% white; if I were around the area of the single large “city” we have (more like a small town in most places), I wouldn’t probably be more apprehensive. By some strange coincidence, it’s not only more urbanized, but also has far more blacks, Hispanics and recent immigrants. It also has several times the violent crime rate of other areas of our state. Funny how that works. Even so, it’s still a nice safe peaceful town compared to most of the US. This is why I think it’s probably too late for our country. The sickness is in our very society, in our social structure. Just voting for the right politicians isn’t going to fix anything. Even if the RIGHT politicians could be found.

  8. I am just a citizen, but I would stop and defend a uniformed LEO.

    I might stop to help one person being assaulted, but that situation would require full knowledge of those involved. I don’t want to interfere with an undercover cop arrest. So, very cautious approach. Me and my family first!

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