By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “Presented without comments”
  1. It seems to have been put there by a [redacted] informant in November 1941. Given that these were the days of the infamous criminal J. Edgar Hoover, it isn’t surprising they would keep a copy.
    I do notice that retrieving this from the FBI Vault website triggers a disclaimer. Fair enough. That doesn’t explain or excuse the tweet, though.

    1. All they need to do is say that this is an antisemitic hoax perpetrated by Tsarist Russia. Not including that simple contextual disclaimer is unacceptable.

      I don’t mind people reading this in the context that it’s a hoax used to justify pogroms and the holocaust. Context is important.

  2. Well, that’s an automation that’s about to get the ax.

    That is an account that appears to automatically tweet out links to the most requested documents of the day.

    I bet 4CHAN figured this out, and sent a bunch of requests for that document today.

  3. It’s a huge shame on mankind but you sometimes have to be familiar with SHIT to recognize it elsewhere.
    I pray that is why it’s listed.

  4. The FBI tried to be a modern day Praetorian Guard, by getting rid of the elected President Trump and replacing him with someone they liked better, or maybe just hated less. It was a failed coup.

    For that alone, the FBI needs to be abolished, or maybe better, neutered completely, and kept as an example of what to never to do. Establish and staff a new independent Federal LEO, this time without any command presence near the throne in Washington DC. Maybe make it a bunch of independent regional commands, all reporting to an assistant deputy AG.

    Assign the existing FBI to a needed and neglected federal duty like helping the Native Americans find those responsible for killing or disappearing 5,000 Native American Women and children every year. That would be a noble mission, and would keep them from intriguing in Washington DC.

    Assign the FBI Director to report to a fourth or fifth level DOJ Assistant AG, just to rub in how they f’d up. Stop adding any new staff to the FBI, disallow ant transfers out to other federal agencies, and let it slowly attrit via retirement and resignations to nothing in twenty years. Make an example of it for the other Bureaucracies to fear.

    It would be better than standing them up against a wall next time. And we know there will be a next time.

    1. There is a big FBI presence in Huntsville because TEDAC and the digital forensics lab is at Redstone.

      Those guys, the forensic sleuths are good guys. I know a few.

      It’s the top brass and managers. Just like everything I’ve been saying about O’Sullivan’s Law and the military. Or what we’ve seen with patrol officers vs. Chiefs of police in Blue Cities.

      Purge the management. Keep the boots on the ground and the geeks in the lab.

      1. Maybe. The trouble is that you can’t tell how many of the grunts are compromised because of the evil in management.
        Another argument is that the FBI should be closed down because the Constitution doesn’t authorize its existence in the first place.

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