Have I said how much I hate Progressive Jews because they are Progressives who abuse their Jewish identity?

I’m sure that I have.  So here is another example.


Never Again Action.  That’s right, she used Never Again, which had been about preventing another Holocaust.  She’s using it to protest ICE arrest of Illegals.

It’s clear she reads the New York Times.  How about she reads the New York Post for a bit?

ICE arrests illegal immigrant accused of raping Brooklyn teen after city cut him loose

An illegal immigrant accused of raping a 13-year-old girl in Brooklyn was cut loose thanks to New York’s “sanctuary city” policy and the Brooklyn District Attorney — despite a request by immigration officials that he be detained.

Man released under ‘sanctuary city’ rules sexually assaults 3-year-old: ICE

An illegal immigrant was released under Chicago’s “sanctuary city” policy — only to sexually assault a 3-year-old girl and leave her sobbing for her father in a McDonald’s bathroom, according to authorities.

I have a two-year-old.  If someone sexually assaulted her in a McDonalds, I’m going to make him go bobbing for french fries in the fry oil.

Maybe she should try watching Fox News too.

Undocumented immigrant pleads not guilty to raping, killing 92-year-old NY woman

The 21-year-old undocumented immigrant accused of sexually assaulting and killing a 92-year-old woman while she walked near her home pleaded not guilty in a New York courtroom on Thursday.

Authorities allege Reeaz Khan assaulted Maria Fuertes in the early morning hours of Jan.

I guess raping nonagenarians is one of those jobs Americans won’t do.

These are the illegals that ICE is going after.  Violent criminals and sex offenders with criminals convictions who have been given a pass in sanctuary cities.

They are exactly like the innocent Jewish children who were rounded up and exterminated for being Jewish.

This shits all over the memory and lesson of the Holocaust.  To conflate the victims of genocide with the mass arrest and deportation of recidivist violent convicts is offensive and anti-Semitic.

This goes way beyond “Orange Man Bad.”  This is evil.

If she really believes this is the same as Never Again then she really needs to do the right thing and hide a bunch of convicted illegal immigrant rapists in her attic.  What happens to her after that is a well-deserved lesson.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Progressive Jew sh*ts on the memory of the Holocaust to protect child rapists”
  1. Can these city and State officials possibly be prosecuted by the Fed Gov, or sued by the victims or their families as accessories to these crimes when they blatantly ignore hold requests by ICE? If any of my children were victimized like this due to thier criminal negligence I’d want them to be punished just as much as the perpetrator.

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