Last week I wrote a post about Vox writer Ian Millheiser’s idea to pay Progressives to move to Wyoming long enough to vote in their elections and put in Progressive Senators.

Andrew Yang, whose transformation into a piece of shit is now complete, fronted a similar idea in Georgia for the January runoff.

From the Wall Street Journal.

Thinking About Moving to Georgia to Vote in Runoffs? Better Hurry and Plan to Stay

The two Senate runoff races under way in Georgia give Democrats a chance to flip seats currently held by Republicans, and some activists on social media have discussed the prospect of moving to the Peach State to vote in the Jan. 5 elections.

Former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang already announced on Twitter that he and his wife are moving to Georgia to campaign for the Democratic candidates, Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, against Republican Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler. He did not say whether he planned to register to vote in the state.

All the chatter raises the question: Is it legal?

The answer is: yes, but any potential voters would have to move quickly since the last day to be registered for the Jan. 5 contests is Dec. 7. And, the new resident also would have to stay in the state for a while or risk getting into trouble.

Under Georgia law, anyone with a legal primary residence in the state can register to vote with their county board of elections. The law does not specify a specific time limit.

A spokesman for the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office, which oversees voter registrations, declined to comment on how quickly someone could establish legal residency in Georgia, but cited state law that it is a felony to vote in Georgia elections if you are not a legal resident or if you are residing in the state briefly with the intention just to vote and then move away.

So, progressives find cheap apartments or condos in Georgia, get a lease, register to vote, vote, then let the lease expire at the end of the year.  For Progressives with the privilege of teleworking, this wouldn’t be that hard to do.

Conceivably, they wouldn’t even have to live there, just have it documented on paper.

Besides, how often would this type of malfeasance be investigated and prosecuted?

This would be the ultimate form of exploitative colonialism, to move in and rob a state of its self-determination.

The is voter suppression, the Left directly attacking your ballot box.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Progressive’s march to the sea in the GA runoff election”
  1. Damned carpetbaggers. They just don’t get that we’re 50 states for a reason. People are just not homogeneous across the board over such a large territory (in this case, all of America).
    I remember learning when I was young that early in our country’s history states would butt heads hard, sometimes to the point of organizing their own militias against each other. The feds would step in to quell the fighting, but the point stands: we live in separate states for a reason.
    And the spirit still isn’t dead. No one here wants big city liberals out of NY or CA moving in cuz they bring their politics with them. Here in the south, I’ve never heard of anything bad happening, but folks always notice way out of state license plates. Every time. My reaction has always been “you’re pretty far from home, ain’t ya?”
    And then we see crap like this. /Rant

  2. I love that when we said “Accepting ballots late will affect the outcome because people that see their candidate losing on election day will be motivated to vote after election day to change the outcome.” we were laughed at. Won’t happen. Yet here is this duffus saying to MOVE to Georgia to do exactly that.

  3. It seems like the fix is a moratorium on voter registration until after the runoff, that way the carpet baggers are blocked.

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