Times are getting hard.

Like bad hard.

It’s times like this more than ever that close friends and family become important.

If you know people close to you that have an infant or are expecting, ask if they need formula.

When you go out for your normal grocery run, if there is some in the store, consider buying a can for them.

You don’t need to horde.

But take a moment to look out for the people close to you because I suspect that very soon those ties will be critical in getting through the shit-storm that’s coming.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “Project Stork”
  1. A LOT of people will soon learn why grandparents never threw anything useful away, why they would wash aluminum foil, why they ate everything on their plate and ate leftovers until it was all gone. Americans are going to learn the same hard lessons old folks learned decades ago. It ain’t going to be pretty or pleasant, at least back then they didn’t expect freebies. The New Dark Age is upon us.

    1. The current younger generations are going to find this transition very hard. And the automatons in society who just expect that stuff will be on the shelves when they go to the store. Public interaction could be come tense…plan accordingly.

      1. The generation that grew up in the Roaring 20s got through the Great Depression. Don’t count people down just because they lived in a time when civilization was working properly.

  2. Be that Boy Scout from the last century. “Be Prepared”. You have been warned

  3. One caveat on that advice. Check to see if they need any formula first. Do not automatically get a can on every outing “just in case.” That contributes to the problem, even if you are not hoarding it. If the people with the infant(s) have a week’s worth of cans, consider leaving it on the shelf for others until you next see it.

    1. And asking as someone with no kids — up to what age is this likely to be an issue? I have a grand-nephew and grand-niece that are coming up on two.

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