By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Proof they want you dead: Ladd Everitt (not a surprise, really)”
  1. They hate us, call for our imprisonment, torture and death; and demand collective responsibility for our wives and children. I would take them at their word.

    The way I look at it, what do I have to loose? If the brown shirts come on mass to my house there are 2 possible outcomes.
    1) We peacefully submit, the mob abuses us and we get sent to a camp were we all are subject to depravities until we either break or they decide to kill us off.

    2) We resist. Either we die resisting, we die because the mob slaughters us to salve its wounded pride after capturing us or we end up in a camp were we die. No matter what though there is less brown shirts available to staff the next mob. Maybe it doesn’t do me anygood but maybe its just enough to buy the next family they go after a chance.

    Better to go out fighting quickly then linger for months in a camp

  2. When it gets REAL and the mob starts attacking us, when they die in bunches the rest will start thinking, maybe. Remember kids-lefties are less than 26% of the population. We the People out number them 3 to 1. A lot of this is keyboard kommandoing.

  3. I wish that the NRA or GOA would do a yearly “in honor of” donation program and publish them. I’d make a donation in honor of our old friend, Ladd.

  4. You’re staying the obvious in that title.

    If civil war breaks out. They will just drop a few or few hundred nukes depending on how much of the population they need/want to kill.

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