What Muslims and the Left are complaining about now is that there are higher casualties among the Palestinians than the Israelis.

The Palestinians have fired thousands of rockets but most have been shot down by Iron Dome.

It’s not equitable that Israel has an effective anti-missile defense system, so Israel must not strike back at the Palestinians, no matter how many rockets they launch.

Their definition of “proportional response” really means “more Jews need to die for equity.”

I agree with Ian Miles Cheong.

If you launch rockets aimed at my children I would nuke the fuck out if you.

I would fracture your DNA with ionizing radiation to wipe your bloodline from this planet.

Proportional response is bullshit.

An enemy could be confident in attacking you with a idea of how much they are willing to sacrifice to your proportional response to achieve their goals.

No, you kick the fucking shit out of your enemy so hard the very thought of fighting you ever again makes piss run down their legs.

The right response to thousands of Hamas rockets is Gaza should be glassed so intensely that the 1950 Armistice Line becomes beach front property.


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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on ““Proportional response” is the new “death to the Jews””
    1. Low yield 1kT weapons like the W54 would be very effective in close nuclear combat without issues of fallout. That’s what they were designed for.

  1. I’ll never understand the mentality that would interpret the IDF’s actions as genocidal. Since when is armed conflict supposed to inflict proportional casualties. LOLGF! In all of human history, when has the side with better weapons* and tactics decided to not kill the enemy when they were trying to kill them. First rule of warfare, don’t lose.

    *Nuclear weapons aside. They have effects beyond basic destruction.

  2. I believe it was Heinlein, in one of his great books, had three groups in society.
    The Pasifists, that would not respond to any type of aggression. They didn’t last long.
    The Proportional (?) group that would respond with equal force to all things.
    The Maxers, the ones that in response to aggression would make every effort to totally obliterate the aggressor and all his progeny.
    Guess which group NEVER got phucked with twice?

  3. Proportional response is for use against peer and near peer states & countries. It is not for hostis humani generis

  4. This is exactly why Palestine has rejected the offer of statehood — the so-called “two-state solution”, where they would be independent and recognized by the U.N. — every time it’s been offered.

    As a “colony” in Israel, they can launch rockets and Israel has to be judicious and proportional in response.

    If Palestine were an independent nation and launched rockets, Israel would be fully within her sovereign rights to call it what it is — an unprovoked act of war from a rival nation — and bring their full military force to bear in righteous response. It would be swift and decisive, the leaders would be killed or captured and charged with war crimes for intentionally targeting civilians, and because it’s a localized conflict between two sovereign nations, by their own rules even the U.N. would have to stay out of it (not that I’d expect them to, because “Israel!”, but…).

    Hamas and the Palestinian Authority know this, and so they reject all offers of sovereignty. As much as they hate Israel, it’s key to their survival to remain a “colony” instead of a nation.

  5. Fuel-air MOABs, nuff said.
    For when you want to nuke your neighbors but not glow like them.

  6. “Proportional response” isn’t even fine for people separated by a frigging ocean in these modern days of fast travel and open borders.

    F’ it. They’re muslims, nominally. So treat them as the (un)good Koran says to treat apostates and those who can’t be nice. Kill every male above the age of 9, sell everyone else into slavery, any who isn’t sold is executed.

    I’m sure Communist China would love to buy a buncha new slaves to replace their current diminishing crop of muslims they hold in concentration/work camps.

    Seriously, Palestinians have turned down their own statehood over three times (if you include the several ‘Losses’ in the Arab-Israeli wars. They’ve never wanted to play nice, don’t want to play nice, will never play nice.

    Time to treat them like the a-holes that they are.

    I mean, when you start making actual Nazis and actual SS and Gestapo look… somewhat better, then, geez, it’s time to slit your own throat and give up.

    Now that would be nice, a mass suicide. Only thing to worry about is all the festering bodies, but there’s all those tunnels to fill…

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