From Portland, a.k.a. Soymalia:

That protester had the balls to open somebody else’s car door.

For that, he was awarded a leg trip takedown.

That is barely a consolation prize.

First prize in that stupid game is a JHP to the guts.

IANAL, but the moment that protester opened the car door he breached another person’s perimeter and the intent to do hard was heavily inferred if not made absolutely crystal clear.

A few more things to notice:

The protester who was taken down suddenly acts like a victim.  As though he has no idea what he did that caused the driver to slam him into the concrete.

The protester with the video camera is in desperate need of an ass-kicking.

“You’re on video buddy.”

Yes, a video that also includes the guy getting taken down opening another person’s driver’s side car door without permission, thereby justifying the driver’s actions.

The cameraman also yells “hey, we need a bunch of people down here now.”

What for?  To mob this guy’s car?  To block him in?  To surround him an threaten him further?

Did they not learn the lesson not to fuck with this dude just 10 seconds previously?  Or is the plan to outnumber him so they can win the next fight?

Someone else suggests that they take a picture of his license plate.  The obvious conclusion there is that they want to doxx him.

These radicals have gotten away with so much over the last few years that they believe themselves to be untouchable.

They can open your car door, reach hands into your vehicle, block you in, threaten you, but if you punch back they are the victims and you are the aggressor that needs to have your life ruined by doxxing.

These people need to learn some real consequences real soon.

If it doesn’t come from the police it’s going to come from a citizen with a CCW.

Also, one last thought.

Automatic door locks on your car are a convenience, but when you park, your door unlocks.  Train your brain so that when you put your car in park, if you do not immediately get out manually lock the doors.  I’m sure that is what happened here.  This guy put his car in park and it automatically unlocked the doors which is why said protester was able to open it easily.


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By J. Kb

13 thoughts on “Protester gets off easy with just a body slam”
  1. Notice that the driver of the car is wearing a vest of some sort. I’m thinking that it was bad victim selection as well. Likely a cop.

  2. I’ve argued against automatic door locks since they first came out. I disable them whenever possible. I want to be in total control of when the doors lock or unlock, period. It’s one button push. I don’t need the car to decide when and where the doors unlock.

  3. That was a US Marshal. Portland Antifa has been trying to “take” the Federal Courthouse since Friday, so lots of feds are there now to protect it since the Portland police won’t.

    1. If that really was a plainclothes Marshal then those commie shitbags are EXTRA lucky they didn’t get ventilated. I’m guessing the terrorist supporting Portland DAs will have a much harder time giving a US Marshall the same Star Chamber treatment they pulled on Michael Strickland.

  4. “Automatic door locks on your car are a convenience, but when you park, your door unlocks.”

    And a lame convenience at that. I’m glad my car doesn’t have those.

    FWIW, the standard position I set my dome light at is “off.” I don’t want to be lit up where a threat can see me and I can’t see them. My girlfriend has a Prius and always has her set to automatic, and the damned thing comes on as soon as you shut the car off. 99% of the time, you don’t need it — keep it off.

    1. The only disagreement I have with this, is I really like being able to look into my back seat before getting in, if I have to park in an unfamiliar place at night … or get up at o-dark-30 after spending the night at a hotel in Albuquerque to catch an early flight. (Sure, I can take out the cell phone and turn on the flashlight, but that can be an attention suck.)

  5. Just my humble opinion, but it is way overdue for these pantyfa assholes to receive a free can or two of ballistic whoopass for going after people in cars. Actions have consequences, and these dbags need to learn that lesson and learn it well.

  6. A lot of cars you can change the settings on when the doors unlock. I always change mine ti unlock only the drivers door on auto when the key is removed

    1. >>A lot of cars you can change the settings on when the doors unlock.

      This. Read your owner’s manual. It’s sometimes a complex process, but it’s clearly documented. I have mine to automatically lock when I take the car out of park and to NEVER unlock on their own.

  7. The auto thing depends on the car. The newer Fords don’t open up unless the driver hits his door handle.

  8. He’s lucky he didn’t get shot or arrested for attempted carjacking.
    Someone I don’t know, with no reason or provocation, rips my car door open that’s the same as the mob breaking my window. Beat my car all you want, but break the window (not just cracked) or open the door, you have now broken the line in the sand… you have gained access and are a threat.

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