There was a riot in Tacoma, Washington last night, because it was a weekend in Washington, and that is what Leftists in the Pacific North West do for fun.  They destroy property and burn shit to the ground LARPing like a Bolshevik Revolutionary.

A group of these rioters surrounded and attacked a police officer inside a Ford Explorer Police Interceptor.  Several of them believing that standing directly in front of the vehicle would magically stop the officer from moving forward, trapping him for a continued attack.

The thing is, physics and mechanical engineering doesn’t care about feelings.  A turbocharged six-cylinder, 4,000-lbs SUV will win in a game of chicken against frail human bodies powered fed a steady diet of soy lattes and microbrew.


I can’t disagree with the above sentiment.

That dude got run the fuck over.  Totally under the wheels.

Apparently, the police were responding to other people doing donuts at an intersection because chaos and anarchy is the way things are done in Washington state.


The guy had tire marks on him.  Hit so hard it knocked the shoes off his feet.


These rioters trust that the people they are terrorizing are not willing to harm them.

They believe that they can threaten to hurt, hurt, and possibly kill other people, but the people being attacked should and will cower and take it.

They simply assume that others will not fight back with force, especially lethal force.

That’s why they stand in front of cars.  They fundamentally believe that a threatened drive won’t stomp on the gas and turn them into human bowling pins and it shocked them to the core every time they are proven wrong.

What needs to happen is for these people to be run over every single time.  Eventually, it will dawn on them that trying to block a car and attack a driver is an act of suicide.

I just hope the video evidence is enough to exonerate the cop.  Hopefully dash cam footage will be released.

Update: more news.

It seems like this was a good shoot vehicular defensive action.

If that is on the dashcam video, this was entirely justified.

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By J. Kb

17 thoughts on “Protester learns not to stand in front of a car and attack it the hard way – Update”
  1. “These rioters trust that the people they are terrorizing are not willing to har[m] them.”

    I’ve said it before but it bears repeating.

    When you hear protesters yelling “Call the cops!” because a citizen is trying to defend themselves, you have to understand that they’re saying that not because they want someone to call the cops, but because they want you to think you’re going to jail.

    They have already set the narrative that this officer plowed through a peaceful crowd just to catch someone doing burnouts. There will be more riots with this being used as justification.

  2. Until a leftist actually has to suffer the consequences of their actions, their behavior will not change.

    1. Even then it doesn’t change. It gets worse, in fact, because their “oppression bingo” card gets marked for “victim of fascist violence.”

  3. Not like the officer didn’t warn them. They heard the engine revving — did they think that was done for show?

    1. @ Rob Crawford

      “…did they think that was done for show?”


      That has been the “norm” (to use a now cliche). Regular citizens have been chased and beaten for just trying to get somewhere. Why should these mostly peaceful protesters think that tonight s different?

      (Manish tanah halyla hazeh?)

  4. Oh, what’s that Antifa? Now that your masters are in power, they don’t need their attack dogs anymore, and they won’t hold back like they did for six months? If only someone had warned you over and over again for months that this would happen.

    Should have thrown it in reverse and hit the gas again.

  5. Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t blocking a road change the law up a little?
    Like, hit a jaywalker/pedestrian on the road, that’s on you. But hit someone in a crowd that’s purposely blocking the road and it’s more on them?

    1. DJ, I don’t think so, not exactly the way you worded it. But the picture changes when the mob’s behavior creates a reasonable expectation of threat of death or severe bodily harm. At least in civilized states.

    2. It’s not cut and dried nationwide, but in some states, I believe it does.

      More importantly, though, the officers inside the car had a good reason to believe their lives were in immediate risk, and once that’s been established, a lot of other things go out the window.

  6. But if WE do it, WE are the ones who go to jail on trumped up charges. Police get special dispensation, and that’s wrong.

  7. One of the things Antifa/BLM/Etc. rely on is a basic property of human nature, and a fairly common feature of good nurture/upbringing.

    Simply, most people intrinsically have a hard time physically hurting other people deliberately; most of us seem to be built that way, and most of the people they’re trying to terrorize were raised that way too.

    The military have to train soldiers to be willing to try to hurt and / or kill other people deliberately. Antifa/etc have had all summer to internalize similar messages, and at a guess they started with on average more violent / antisocial humans.

    But, we have had time, too. If not physically (for which I am thankful), then conversations like this, and all the “what-if-I-have-to…” scenarios we’ve been thinking about for the past, oh, year.

  8. I agree. This has to happen more often. If they are creating a ruckus them it’s game on. No one should have to stop.

    Their mamas should’ve taught them not to play in the street.

    The police should follow the declaration that this was a righteous hit with expect it’ll happen again if you don’t clear the way.

  9. “What needs to happen is for these people to be run over every single time. Eventually, it will dawn on them that trying to block a car and attack a driver is an act of suicide.”

    They’re communists, in 2021. I think it’s safe to assume that “learning from mistakes” is not a thing they are capable of.

  10. On another note… I thought that all of these thugs were atheists…so why in the video does the guy keep saying “Oh my God!”?

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