MIAMI (WSVN) – A peaceful protest in downtown Miami led to some tense moments after, police said, a demonstrator walked into traffic and in front of a SUV that was part of a Cubans for Trump caravan.

Black Lives Matter protesters met in front of the Torch of Friendship, Saturday afternoon.

7News cameras captured demonstrators chanting and holding up signs. One of the signs read “Muslims 4 Justice” and another read “Silence is complicit.”

At one point, the Cubans for Trump Caravan drove by the rally. Cameras showed one of the protesters stepping in front of a black Mercedes-Benz SUV and appearing to jump a split second before he was struck by the vehicle.

Protester OK after being hit by SUV in pro-Trump caravan during rally in downtown Miami (Click to seeVideo)

Not quite accurate the narrative above.  Some idiot decided to play BLM Road Blocker like he probably has seen up in TV from up north and forgot he is in Miami.

He lost.

The guys with the gun? I don’t know, but by the reaction of the bearded guy, any interest in bum rushing offending cars apparently dissolved.

About the only smart thing that happened.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Protesting in the streets? Things are done a bit different in Miami”
  1. He didn’t walk into traffic and get hit. I watched that three times. He bloody well jumped onto that vehicle. Looks like one of those Russian dashcam vids documenting an insurance scam: (1) Jump onto the hood of a passing car; (2) ???; (3) Profit!

  2. He quite obviously stepped in front of the vehicle and then jumped on the hood. He should be held liable for any damages to the vehicle.

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